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Different behaviour with same program and boards

Hi community !

I got a weird problem for me. I got a program (BLE Mesh) which i flash on two nRF52840 Dongles, and i got 2 differents behaviour

The first one can be provisioned bt nRF Mesh and i could use it normaly and the second one con't be provisioned ( stopped at send provisioning data)

It's the same program and the same version of nRF52840 Dongle. Is this a known issue ?

Even if i reprogram both of them, the first will always work and the second won't.

  • I tried with a new dongle it's works ! So i pressume that it's the bootloader on the non-working dongle which is the problem.
    Do you have the hex file of default bootloader on dongle nRF52840 v1.2 ?

  • Hi Paul, 

    The bootloader for the nRF52840 dongle is the same bootloader you find in \SDKv16.0\examples\dfu\open_bootloader\pca10059_usb 

    If you plan to do development using the dongle, its better to solder the header on P1 port and program the firmware directly via SWD cable by a Development Kit (Remove the bootloader). The reason is that the bootloader doesn't offer an option to erase all data on the board, you can only replace the old image with the new image. This may leave the old provisioning data on the board and the application may crash. 

  • Hi Paul, 

    The bootloader for the nRF52840 dongle is the same bootloader you find in \SDKv16.0\examples\dfu\open_bootloader\pca10059_usb 

    If you plan to do development using the dongle, its better to solder the header on P1 port and program the firmware directly via SWD cable by a Development Kit (Remove the bootloader). The reason is that the bootloader doesn't offer an option to erase all data on the board, you can only replace the old image with the new image. This may leave the old provisioning data on the board and the application may crash. 
