I am working on nrf52832 and SDK V15_3 and Softdevice S132 . I want to enable 2MBPS mode to achieve maximum throughput. I have checked different links in nordic devzone but , nothing is working in my case. i have attached some code snippet here.
2. When i set att mtu sie = 160 , the throughput is getting 52KBytesPS at connection interval 7.5. But when i increase to mtu size 240 , getting throughput less than the previous. When i sending data through characteristics, 6times getting error =19 and one time it will success, thats why reduce the throughput , i dont know whys its getting error 19 most of the time.
void advertising_init(void) { ret_code_t err_code; ble_advertising_init_t init; memset(&init, 0, sizeof(init)); init.advdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME; init.advdata.include_appearance = true; init.advdata.flags = BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAGS_LE_ONLY_GENERAL_DISC_MODE; init.advdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(m_adv_uuids) / sizeof(m_adv_uuids[0]); init.advdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids = m_adv_uuids; init.config.ble_adv_primary_phy = BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS; init.config.ble_adv_secondary_phy = BLE_GAP_PHY_2MBPS; init.config.ble_adv_extended_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_fast_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_whitelist_enabled = true; init.config.ble_adv_fast_interval = APP_ADV_INTERVAL; init.config.ble_adv_fast_timeout = APP_ADV_DURATION; init.evt_handler = on_adv_evt; err_code = ble_advertising_init(&m_advertising, &init); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ble_advertising_conn_cfg_tag_set(&m_advertising, APP_BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //also enabled ext mode in main gatt_mtu_set(m_test_params.att_mtu); conn_evt_len_ext_set(m_test_params.conn_evt_len_ext_enabled);