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how to enable pa/lna about mesh on nrf5_SDK_for_Mesh_v4.1.0_src ?

HI ,


    err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA, &ble_pa_lna_opts);



static void provisioning_sd_ble_opt_cb()
    uint32_t err_code;
    err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA, &ble_pa_lna_opts);

static void start(void)
    rtt_input_enable(app_rtt_input_handler, RTT_INPUT_POLL_PERIOD_MS);

    if (!m_device_provisioned)
        static const uint8_t static_auth_data[NRF_MESH_KEY_SIZE] = STATIC_AUTH_DATA;
        mesh_provisionee_start_params_t prov_start_params =
            .p_static_data    = static_auth_data,
            .prov_sd_ble_opt_set_cb = provisioning_sd_ble_opt_cb,
            .prov_complete_cb = provisioning_complete_cb,
            .prov_device_identification_start_cb = device_identification_start_cb,
            .prov_device_identification_stop_cb = NULL,
            .prov_abort_cb = provisioning_aborted_cb,
            .p_device_uri = EX_URI_LS_SERVER



    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, m_usage_string);

    hal_led_mask_set(LEDS_MASK, LED_MASK_STATE_OFF);

I set PA / LNA in the following way. I found that when the device is connected, it will be disconnected and will no longer be connected. How to set PA / LNA correctly?During the development process, I found that Nordic mesh was particularly unstable. We were developing products and were very worried.

  • Hi,

    I found that when the device is connected, it will be disconnected and will no longer be connected.

    Could you give me more details? Do you get any error codes when debugging?

    Which example are you using from the SDK? Have you made any other modifications other than for the PA/LNA?

    Are you using a custom board or a DK? Which device are you using?

    I recommend you take a look at the documentation for the PA/LNA Module in Mesh.

    During the development process, I found that Nordic mesh was particularly unstable.

    Could you elaborate on what you mean by unstable? 

  • hi,I set PA / LNA as follows:(pa=P1.04
    #include "mesh_pa_lna.h"
    static mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_params_t m_pa_lna_params = {
    .lna_cfg = {
    .enable = 1,
    .active_high = 1,
    .gpio_pin = 34
    .pa_cfg = {
    .enable = 1,
    .active_high = 1,
    .gpio_pin = 36
    .ppi_ch_id_set = 0,
    .ppi_ch_id_clr = 1,
    .gpiote_ch_id = 0
    static ble_opt_t ble_pa_lna_opts = {
    .common_opt = {
    .pa_lna = {
    .pa_cfg = {
    .enable = 1,
    .active_high = 1,
    .gpio_pin = 36
    .lna_cfg = {
    .enable = 1,
    .active_high = 1,
    .gpio_pin = 34
    .ppi_ch_id_set = 0,
    .ppi_ch_id_clr = 1,
    .gpiote_ch_id = 0
    static void initialize(void)
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "----- BLE Mesh Light Switch Server Demo -----\n");
    uint32_t err_code;
    err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA, &ble_pa_lna_opts);
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "ble_pa_lna ret: %d\n",err_code);
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "mesh_pa_lna ret: %d\n",err_code);
    static void provisioning_sd_ble_opt_cb()
    uint32_t err_code;
    err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA, &ble_pa_lna_opts);
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "provision pa_lna_set ret: %d\n",err_code);
    static void start(void)
    rtt_input_enable(app_rtt_input_handler, RTT_INPUT_POLL_PERIOD_MS);
    if (!m_device_provisioned)
    static const uint8_t static_auth_data[NRF_MESH_KEY_SIZE] = STATIC_AUTH_DATA;
    mesh_provisionee_start_params_t prov_start_params =
    .p_static_data = static_auth_data,
    .prov_sd_ble_opt_set_cb = provisioning_sd_ble_opt_cb,//NULL,
    .prov_complete_cb = provisioning_complete_cb,
    .prov_device_identification_start_cb = device_identification_start_cb,
    .prov_device_identification_stop_cb = NULL,
    .prov_abort_cb = provisioning_aborted_cb,
    .p_device_uri = EX_URI_LS_SERVER
    __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, m_usage_string);
    hal_led_mask_set(LEDS_MASK, LED_MASK_STATE_OFF);
    ,lna=P1.02 on ours 52840 hw),
    but the err_code=mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_enable(&m_pa_lna_params); return err_code=7, Obviously not。

  • It looks like your suspicion is correct. The reason your call to mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_enable() returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS is because your .lna_cfg.gpio_pin and .pa_cfg.gpio_pin are too high, and the checks:

    (p_params->lna_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)) ||
    (p_params->pa_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)))

    in mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_enable() will fail.

    This parameter, mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_params_t doesn't take port number. Perhaps you can try to add it:

    typedef struct
         uint8_t enable :1;      /**< Enable toggling for this amplifier */
         uint8_t active_high :1; /**< Set the pin to be active high */
         uint8_t gpio_pin :6;    /**< The GPIO pin to toggle for this amplifier */
         uint8_t port_number;    /**< The port number for the GPIO */
    } ble_pa_lna_cfg_t;

    Then set your m_pa_lna_params accordingly:

    static mesh_pa_lna_gpiote_params_t m_pa_lna_params = {
            .lna_cfg = {
                .enable = 1,
                .active_high = 1,
                .gpio_pin = 3,
                .port_number = 1
            .pa_cfg = {
                .enable = 1,
                .active_high = 1,
                .gpio_pin = 5,
                .port_number = 1
            .ppi_ch_id_set = 0,
            .ppi_ch_id_clr = 1,
            .gpiote_ch_id = 0

    And finally, in your pin_init:

    static void pin_init(const ble_pa_lna_cfg_t * p_cfg)
        NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_cfg->port_number == 0 || p_cfg->port_number == 1);
        NRF_GPIO_Type * port;
        if (p_cfg->port_number == 0)
            port = NRF_P0;
        else if (p_cfg->port_number == 1)
            port = NRF_P1;
        if (p_cfg->enable)
            port->PIN_CNF[p_cfg->gpio_pin] =
                ((uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Output << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DIR_Pos) |
                ((uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Disconnect << GPIO_PIN_CNF_INPUT_Pos) |
                ((uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pos) |
                ((uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_S0S1 << GPIO_PIN_CNF_DRIVE_Pos) |
                ((uint32_t) GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos);
            port->DIRSET = (GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Output << (GPIO_DIRSET_PIN0_Pos + p_cfg->gpio_pin));

    Does that work?

  • 1. It doesn't work.Now the call call returns return = 0; however, according to the phenomenon of the RSSI value of NRF connect, it has no effect.

    2.I have annotated out this condition. It has an effect. But I'm not sure it's right.

    // (p_params->lna_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)) ||
    //(p_params->pa_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)))

  • zhao.yangyang said:

    2.I have annotated out this condition. It has an effect. But I'm not sure it's right.

    // (p_params->lna_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)) ||
    //(p_params->pa_cfg.gpio_pin >= ARRAY_SIZE(NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF)))

     That will only disable the check that would return the error. If the input parameters is still wrong, and you disable this check, you don't know what sort of behaviour you can expect. You start writing to registers unintentionally. I would not recommend that. 

    Did you double check the pin numbers I suggested? I believe they may be off by one. In the above suggestion, if you want to use pin. It originally said pin 34 and pin 36. I guess that would translate to P1.02 and P1.04, not P1.03 and P1.05, as I wrote (I forgot the 0-indexing). 

    You say that it doesn't work. Have you tried to use any of the pins from P0? Does it work then?

  • I've tried. Neither P1.02/P1.04 nor  P1.03/P1.05 works. I need your help. The PA pin of our hardware design is P1.02/P1.04, please provide a correct method. By the way, don't forget that in mesh project, PA's enabling needs to call three interfaces, and there is also a non open source protocol stack. Please, we need to make products. I'm looking forward to your reply. If P1 does not support PA settings, you can directly say no, we can adjust the next step.

  • Hi Zhao, 

    If you read the comment by Edvin, you would know that we have a limitation in the implementation of mesh_pa_lna.c module that we don't support pin on port P1 and only port P0 is supported. 
    We would need to fix this in the future. 

    If you want to fix this you need to understand how the GPIO PORT work and where you need to select the PORT P1 instead of P0. To be specific what you need to modify is to modify the base of NRF_GPIO in the function to point to NRF_P1 (only for that function, you should use NRF_P1 directly may be it's better) and modify NRF_GPIOTE->CONFIG[] to use GPIOTE_CONFIG_PORT_Pos point to port 1 instead of default 0.
    Note that pa_cfg.gpio_pin is only 6 bit and it doesn't support number >31

    I would suggest to change the hardware for your prototype to use pin on Port P0 instead of P1. It would make it much easier than modify the mesh_pa_lna.c file. 

  • Hi Zhao, 

    If you read the comment by Edvin, you would know that we have a limitation in the implementation of mesh_pa_lna.c module that we don't support pin on port P1 and only port P0 is supported. 
    We would need to fix this in the future. 

    If you want to fix this you need to understand how the GPIO PORT work and where you need to select the PORT P1 instead of P0. To be specific what you need to modify is to modify the base of NRF_GPIO in the function to point to NRF_P1 (only for that function, you should use NRF_P1 directly may be it's better) and modify NRF_GPIOTE->CONFIG[] to use GPIOTE_CONFIG_PORT_Pos point to port 1 instead of default 0.
    Note that pa_cfg.gpio_pin is only 6 bit and it doesn't support number >31

    I would suggest to change the hardware for your prototype to use pin on Port P0 instead of P1. It would make it much easier than modify the mesh_pa_lna.c file. 

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