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Secure Buttonless DFU Problem on nRF52832 Soft Device 112


I am facing problem from many days on buttonless DFU.

Whoever from Nordic approaches kindly give a customized solution rather than other links. I have almost gone through all the links with none exactly matching my issue. I will be really thankful.

I am trying to perform Buttonless DFU on nRF52832 512 kB version on nRF DK. I am using SDK 112 v7 (the latest one) and latest versions of nRF util, etc.. as well. Although I am using SDK 16.

My first act was to convert my application from s132 to S112 on nRF52832 a few months ago as I was using default ble_app_blinky as my base. A kind person from nordic helped me on the issue since the memory mapping on s112 pca10040 example is that of nRF52810

Now for DFU, I am supposed to convert the bootloader s112 example on nRF52810 to nRF52832 by editing the project file for library and memory mapping right?

I used the following links:




and my project application  + BL + setting + SD oombined well using merge hex. It  went into DFU mode on start up and I started OTA 

OTA package is received successfully and after 100% OTA the DK rebooted and nRF log said bootloader not found:

My guess is something is wrong in my conversions as I am trying to convert from s112 nRF52810 examples to nrf 52832 the following projects:

1) Bootloader S112 example

2) I OTA ble_app_blinky s112 example and change it's memory mapping and nrf52832 libraries as we have to keep the same soft device in OTA

Please note from above screenshot that my OTA is fully complete (100%)

I am using the following memory mapping:

1) Bootloader example: nrf52832 s112


linker_section_placements_segments="FLASH RX 0x0 0x80000;RAM RWX 0x20000000 0x10000;uicr_bootloader_start_address RX 0x10001014 0x4;uicr_mbr_params_page RX 0x10001018 0x4;mbr_params_page RX 0x0007E000 0x1000;bootloader_settings_page RX 0x0007F000 0x1000"

2) Base Application FW - nrf52832 s112


linker_section_placements_segments="FLASH RX 0x0 0x80000;RAM RWX 0x20000000 0x10000"

3) The OTA package - S112 nRF52832


linker_section_placements_segments="FLASH RX 0x0 0x80000;RAM RWX 0x20000000 0x10000"

Here are my nrfutil commands -

1) Bootloader settings and hex merges

nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52 --application E_MCB_Project.hex --application-version 1 --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 2 bootloader_settings.hex

nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52 --application E_MCB_Project.hex --application-version 1 --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 2 --app-boot-validation VALIDATE_GENERATED_CRC --softdevice s112_sd.hex --sd-boot-validation VALIDATE_GENERATED_CRC bootloader_settings.hex

mergehex -m secure_bootloader.hex bootloader_settings.hex -o bootloaderAndSettings.hex

mergehex -m bootloaderAndSettings.hex s112_sd.hex -o random.hex

mergehex -m random.hex E_MCB_Project.hex -o package_EMCB.hex

Here are commands I used for OTA package

echo "## Creating a package that can be used to update the FW on the DK"

nrfutil pkg generate --application blinky_112_2.hex --application-version 61 --application-version-string "1.0.61" --hw-version 52 --sd-req 0xCD --sd-id 0xCD --softdevice s112_sd.hex --key-file private.pem


sd_112. hex is default  soft devicce 112 I just renamed it rest is self explanatory.

I have provided complete details and I need help on this. Please provide a customized solution and please dont divert me to other links. Its not a huge issue the OTA happens perfectly  but after reboot it cannot find the bootloader

I am assuming its something withbootloader settings or bootloader memory mapping



  • Hi Vidar

    Many thanks for the detailed explanation. I think my base application was fine because I did DFU on that as well. It worked same for modified blinky as it worked for without.

    There was some problem with bootloader as you mentioned in:


    2) It seemed like you were building to project for nRF52810 instead of nRF52382, so that could be one explanation

    I did the same. Just made S112 changes in the text editor. Perhaps I missed something.

    Anyways now that all is done. Could you please tell me the differences between the debug and non debug version? I am assuming I cannot use the debug version for production obviously. 

    And how to bring about changes in the non debug version? I can copy the text editor and just change the flash start from 72000 to 78000 right??

    If there is something else please let me know. I will share my results with you via non debug version in some days.

    Enjoy the weekend though. I think you will reply on Monday

    Thanks again


  • Hi Ali,

    The main difference with the debug bootloader is that it enables debug logging over RTT and that it lets you skip version validation (see Validation).

    AliMahmood123 said:
    And how to bring about changes in the non debug version? I can copy the text editor and just change the flash start from 72000 to 78000 right??

     I would suggest making a copy of the existing "pca10040_s132_ble" bootloader configuration and make it into a pca10040_s112_ble configuration, the same as I did for the debug bootloader I sent you earlier.

  • Hi Vidar

    I will do that and let you know. I hope it works. Because I really dont want to bother you again to send me another project with non debug changes.

    I will keep you posted

    Thanks again


  • Hi Ali,

    It's not that much trouble. I just do an automatic search&replace of S132/s132 (case sensitive) with s112/S112. Here, I've done the same for the non-debug configuration:

    I expect it to work, but I've not verified it.

  • Hi Vidar. It worked!

    Thanks a lot again for sending. However, I have to bother you again, we have another problem.

    I noticed that OTA works but somehow my system has stopped giving me interrupts. I have a RFID Reader connected to one of the GPIOS and im using the button handler to register interrupt. They are not working at all.

    However when I erase the flash and simply build and run my application (without bootloader and settings), the interrupts work fine. I have a dc motor on one of the GPIOs as well.

    How come it doesnt work when i flash APP + SD + BL + Settings and use it as my base application?

    I hope you can help me out with this it looks like the final nail in the coffin,
