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Need help getting started on a beacon project

I'll go ahead and describe what I need to do and see if anyone might have some place to start for me since I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what I need.

I'm looking to make a beacon that can have its parameters set via UART. I'm doing an IoT application where the beacon will be connected to a microcontroller that has a UART output. I want this microcontroller to be able to configure the parameters of the beacon, such as the UUID, major, and minor, without needing to reflash the device, just send it commands via UART and reset it with the new parameters. Adafruit has something similar ( but it uses USB to do the communication, which I don't have access to.

I've seen other projects using the nRF51822 to do similar things to what I want to do, but to configure the beacon parameters they use an app instead of some sort of serial connection. I want to get rid of the app and have the microcontroller take over the parameter setting so it can be automated.

Anyone know where I can start on something like this?

