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nrf_pwr_mgmt_run() with SoftDevice not go to low power


I use SDK16 in my project.

Previously when I want to go on sleep I use __WFI(), and get into sleep till interrupt. Because I use The SoftDevice I change the command to nrf_pwr_mgmt_run() as instruct by Nordic . But now it doesn't enter sleep at all. I try also disable the FPU by NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_FPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED 0 in the sdk_config.h but didn't help.

Why it is so?


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  • Hi Jored.

    It doesn't stop there because I enable the BLE and the softdevice define SOFTDEVICE_PRESENT. So it go to sd_app_evt_wait()

    Look at the code.

    // Wait for an event.
    if (nrf_sdh_is_enabled())
    ret_code_t ret_code = sd_app_evt_wait();
    ASSERT((ret_code == NRF_SUCCESS) || (ret_code == NRF_ERROR_SOFTDEVICE_NOT_ENABLED));
    // Wait for an event.
    // Clear the internal event register.

    As I see it when it use BLE with SOFTDEVICE and it is enable it should go there.

    Is there a problem about it?


  • Hi,

    Sorry for the confusion, you're absolutely correct. Does it go to the WFE() inside the sd_app_evt_wait()? 

  • Hello Jared.

    As  I look into sd_app_evt_wait() I just get to this function 

    SVCALL(SD_APP_EVT_WAIT, uint32_t, sd_app_evt_wait(void));

    But can't get inside. It is look it send and receive interrupt flags from the SD.

    I look on the header explain and I see this:

    In order to wake up from disabled interrupts, the SEVONPEND flag has to be set in the Cortex-M
    MCU's System Control Register (SCR), CMSIS_SCB.

    ... The application must ensure that the pended flag is cleared using ::sd_nvic_ClearPendingIRQ
     in order to sleep using this function. This is only necessary for disabled interrupts

    I can't find anything about sd_nvic_ClearPendingIRQ

    But when look for the SEVONPEND flag I found this discussion:

    WHere he did some work exactly with the some function I try to handle.

    Where look for

    So I look for SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_Msk and the only thing I found was 



    DO I need to open this define?

    I also read comment exactly about some issue with sd_app_evt_wait(void) and excessive current. They all take about the FPU and its interrupt panding.

    But I try some like

      // Set bit 7 and bits 4..0 in the mask to one (0x ...00 1001 1111)
      #define FPU_EXCEPTION_MASK 0x0000009F 
          /* Clear exceptions and PendingIRQ from the FPU unit */
          __set_FPSCR(__get_FPSCR()  & ~(FPU_EXCEPTION_MASK));      
          (void) __get_FPSCR();
    error_code = sd_app_evt_wait();
    but didn't help.
    What could be the problem?

