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Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB) strange behaviour


I am developing an application with to 7 transmitters (peripheral) and one receiver (central = nrf52DK), all NRF52832.

I have 1 question and one problem to solved: 

Question:  all receiver are sending collected data's at the same time at 20 - 40Hz frequency (in testing).  ESB transmission is set to

tx_payload.noack = true; 

to prevent central overload and crash.

One of the transmitter is connected to the nrf52DK in order to follow nrf_log in debug mode.  When transmitting the data,
"TX FAILED EVENT"are log from time to time.  Since noack is set to true, I don't understand why.  This does not seems to cause an issue.

Problem : I am using the nrf52DK as a central. Through the computer, i am sending to the central a command is relay to each active peripheral. For exemple, key = 4 start data collection at 40 Hz, z will reset some parameter. This is working fine most of the time, about 9 over 10 time. Sometime if press key z , the receiver will get the command z but also the previous one , 4. It seem that at the central, the TX buffer was not erase correctly, it could be something else.
using the following code in the central
 (void) nrf_esb_flush_tx();
 (void) nrf_esb_start_tx();

before sending new command does not help.

Any suggestion would be appreciate.

  • Hi,


    Which version of the SDK are you using?

    Is this something that looks to be happening on all PTX devices?

    If this happens 9 out of 10 times, it can be a memory related issue. Could you share code on how you handle this specific key input ("4" and "z") on the PTX side?


    Kind regards,


  • Hi Håkon,

    I am using SDK16.

    This is the section of the code that handle the key input character.  I have simplified the code and removed what is not in used for now.

    I start the data acquisition (peripheral) by sending  key 1 to 6 according to frequency (10Hz to 60Hz).  I don't use z anymore.    Same problem as before  as an exemple : if I send a 3,   and next time a 4,   a receiver ( not all) will get 1/10 time a 4 follow by a 3.  The problem persist after the first occurance.  Have to reset the central to correct the problem.    

    I am now certain but the problem might occur more frequently when the central is sending a command and the receiver is not listening, occupied sending is data through - RX is disable at that time.  I will do more testing with that.

    while (true) 
         while (app_uart_get(&cr) == NRF_SUCCESS)   // check for input character or if
                //   NRF_LOG_INFO("%c", cr);
                   printf("Keypressed : %c\n", cr);
                 //  app_uart_flush();       // < ========================= NEW not working
                   if  (( (cr >= '1') && ( cr <='6') ) || (cr == 'u')|| (cr == 'c')|| (cr == 'C'))  printnow = true;
                   else if  (cr == 'z') 
                     {printnow = false;
                      (void) nrf_esb_flush_tx(); //test
                     (void) nrf_esb_start_tx();}//test
                   if ((cr != 'y') && (cr != 'd'))   // send command to all available sensor/pipe      
                      {  nrf_esb_stop_rx();  //test
                         rx_mute = true;     //test
                       (void) nrf_esb_flush_tx();
                       (void) nrf_esb_start_tx();
                         NRF_LOG_INFO("send CR to all available pipe");
                       //  rx_mute = true ;
                         for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 7 ; i++)
                         { //printf("Sending command... \n");
                            if (pipe_active[i])
                              {  tx_pipe = i;                      
                                 printf("Sending command '%c'to %d\n",cr, tx_pipe);// reset central timer 
                                  NRF_LOG_INFO("Sending command '%c'to %d",cr, tx_pipe);
                                 tx_payload.length =  2;  //payload lenght+1   // can use  n
                                 sprintf(, "%c", cr);                          
                                 tx_payload.pipe = tx_pipe;
                       }   rx_mute = false ;  //test
                         nrf_esb_start_rx();  //test
                }  // app_uart_get

  • Hi,


    On your receiver side, do you have any other interrupts running? If yes, which priority are they running on?

    Its important that the radio runs on priority "0" (highest), and isn't blocked by other interrupts. Other interrupts should run at priority <= 1.


    Kind regards,


  • Hi

    This is the default ESB confing from nerf_esb.h .  its says 

    .radio_irq_priority     = 1,                                
    .event_irq_priority     = 2,  

    is thaï OK,

    In the sdk_config.h file.  All the other irq_priority are set to 6,

    #define NRF_ESB_DEFAULT_CONFIG {.protocol               = NRF_ESB_PROTOCOL_ESB_DPL,         \
                                    .mode                   = NRF_ESB_MODE_PTX,                 \
                                    .event_handler          = 0,                                \
                                    .bitrate                = NRF_ESB_BITRATE_2MBPS,            \
                                    .crc                    = NRF_ESB_CRC_16BIT,                \
                                    .tx_output_power        = NRF_ESB_TX_POWER_0DBM,            \
                                    .retransmit_delay       = 250,                              \
                                    .retransmit_count       = 3,                                \
                                    .tx_mode                = NRF_ESB_TXMODE_AUTO,              \
                                    .radio_irq_priority     = 1,                                \
                                    .event_irq_priority     = 2,                                \
                                    .payload_length         = 32,                               \
                                    .selective_auto_ack     = false    

    You have not answer my question above:

    Question:  all receiver are sending collected data's at the same time at 20 - 40Hz frequency (in testing).  ESB transmission is set to

    tx_payload.noack = true; 

    to prevent central overload and crash.

    One of the transmitter is connected to the nrf52DK in order to follow nrf_log in debug mode.  When transmitting the data, events
    "TX FAILED EVENT"are log from time to time.  Since noack is set to true, I don't understand why. Any ideas ?    this does not seems to cause problems.

  • Hi,


    Do you set the field .selective_auto_ack to true on all your PRX and PTX devices?

    This is the flag that enables the .noack field, as per the comment in the header:

    bool                    selective_auto_ack;     //!< Enable or disable selective auto acknowledgement. When this feature is disabled, all packets will be acknowledged ignoring the noack field.


    Kind regards,

