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PCA10005 can't load sofeware hex

first,PCA10005 can't load sofeware hex that after s110 7.0.0 hex(include 7.0.0),and gostudio note that the given hex file can not open successfully.

second,the PCA10005 load S110 5.2.1 hex,after the program appilication load SDK's ibeacon hex,but the software stop by call stack 's API(sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set and so on). eg, PCA10005 load ble_app_ibeacon's hex,the firmware stop at fuc advertising_init()----- err_code = ble_advdata_set(&advdata, NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code). the err_code is not NRF_SUCCESS. other example are as same ble_app_ibeacon when the software is running call stack API.
