I am using Meander line inverted F antenna for beacon and development board based on nRF52832.
Is it okay to go with this antenna or shall i change this antenna.?
Where can i get the dxf files of antenna used in Nordic dev kits.?
I am using Meander line inverted F antenna for beacon and development board based on nRF52832.
Is it okay to go with this antenna or shall i change this antenna.?
Where can i get the dxf files of antenna used in Nordic dev kits.?
Hard to say without actually seeing the antenna, could you show an image or something?
We do not provide dxf files, you can find Altium files, gerbers and PDF images of the DK here: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Kits/nRF52-DK/Download#infotabs
Best regards,
Please find the attached gerber files and please check antenna as well.nRF52832 Beacon (2).zip
The antenna design is fine, but I have some other comments to your design:
Best regards,
Thank you Andreas for your quick response.
I have got all the points, except the last point i.e., about pi filter.
How shall i choose the value of shunt and series capacitor, in order to make pi filter with C11 ?
and how should i ground the antenna terminal?