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Connect external custom board to NRF52 DK for debugging.


I'm pretty to new to developing with the NRF52 and the NRF52-DK and have a couple of questions.

I have a custom board which has an integrated NRF52832 chip. Now I need to connect the custom board to the NRF52-DK to program and debug the external NRF52832.

Here is the programming interface description of the external board.

  1. Can I use the Debug Out (P19) on the NRF52-DK to connect to the custom board for programming and debugging? I have a 10 Pin JTAG cable.
  2. Which of the contacts (picture above) are needed and on which Pins do I connect them on P19? 
  3. Can the custom board (3V) be powered from the DK or do I need an external power supply? 


Thank you in advance!

  • Hi

    Please check out the nRF52 User Guide. Section 6.10 Debug output describes in detail how to use the nRF52 DK to program and debug external boards. 

    1. Yes, you can use the Debug Out (P19) for programming purposes. Keep in mind that your external board will need to be powered by some other source as a 10 Pin debugging cable won't power devices. by itself.

    2. VCC, SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND pins, GNDDetect, and nRESET have to be connected like this to the 10-pin debug cable.

    3. Yes, it can be powered from the DK, but not by the 10-pin debug cable.

    Best regards,

