Can you help me by explaining the default memory map on the dongle?
What i have is this (see below)
I suspect the following:
- ? 3 ? is maybe some shared ram between bootloader and user-app
is this true? is there some doc on this?
also what i dont know, the ? 2 ?, where does it end? where does ? 3 ? end?
# Notes ## Nrf52840-Dongle - Flash: 1M - Ram: 256k ### Memory Map (Example ot/cli/ftd/usb/pca10059/mbr) #### Flash | Name | Region | Region Dec | Size | Size Dec | |---------------------|---------------------------|-------------------|-------------|----------| | MBR | 0x0000'0000 - 0x0000'1000 | 0 - 4'096 | 0x0000'1000 | 4'096 | | USER Application | 0x0000'1000 - 0x000D'C000 | 4'096 - 901'120 | 0x000D'B000 | 897'024 | | USER OpenThread NVM | 0x000D'C000 - 0x000E'0000 | 901'120 - 917'504 | 0x0000'4000 | 16'384 | | BOOTLOADER | 0x000E'0000 - 0x ' | 917'504 - | 0x ' | ' | #### RAM | Name | Region | Region Dec (Rel.) | Size | Size Dec | |---------------------|---------------------------|-------------------|-------------|----------| | ? 3 ? | 0x2000'0000 - 0x2000'0008 | 0 - 8 | 0x0000'0008 | 8 | | USER RAM | 0x2000'0008 - 0x2004'0000 | 8 - 262'144 | 0x0003'FFF8 | 262'136 |