I'm trying to compile nRF51 SDK 8.0.0 under Windows. So for that purpose I'm going to components/toolchain/gcc and running 'make' there.
No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
Okay, I try running 'make -f Makefile.common'
Makefile.common:10: /Source//templates/gcc/Makefile.windows: No such file or directory
That doesn't seem right at all. There's no 'templates' folder in my SDK installation at all. Taking a look into Makefile.common and I see that it is definitely looking for it there:
TEMPLATE_PATH += $(SDK_SOURCE_PATH)/templates/gcc/
Is this how it's supposed to be? Am I doing something wrong? Digging deeper and it appears that there's even more path issues.
There isn't such a folder either, infact everything is scattered around in various folders. For now I can edit the makefile myself but I felt like I should report it anyway. Thanks