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connectivity_bridge malfunctions when BLE client disconnects and reconnects

I noticed that when a BLE client disconnects and then reconnects to the, instead of receiving all data arriving over the UART from nRF9160 to nRF52840, there is a delay of several seconds after which a huge block of 2048 bytes is sent over to the BLE client. This size matches the BRIDGE_BUF_SIZE configuration. The issue is observed on both Thingy:91 using the sample provided as part of the precompiled firmware, and also on nRF9160 DK - I ported the sample to work on it, so I observe the same behaviour on both boards. I tried changing BRIDGE_BUF_SIZE, and since I observed that internally 182 bytes are used for BLE transmission, I used that value. Now parts of the NMEA data sent from the GPS sample is randomly scrambled, resulting in 40% or NMEA packets that fail basic validation and CRC.

This attached log has been recorded from nRF9160dk, using the modified connectivity_bridge, which I adapted to run on the DK.
The GPS sample has also been modified, so send a copy of the NMEA strings to its second UART, which on the modified board links to the nRF52840 chip and is forwarded to BLE (application) and USB (this log file).

The following changes have been made:
static void print_nmea_data(void)
for (int i = 0; i < nmea_string_cnt; ++i) {
printk("%s", nmea_strings[i]);
+ TRACING_STRING("%s", nmea_strings[i]);
+ #endif
+ int uart_ble_send(char * msg, uint16_t length);
+ uart_ble_send(nmea_strings[i], strlen(nmea_strings[i]));
+ #endif



Send a copy of the data being sent to BLE over the debug UART of nRF52840. The USB on nRF9160dk connects to an OpenWRT router which acts as a mobile UART to TCP bridge and is then recorded on a computer using netcat.

static void bt_send_work_handler(struct k_work *work)
uint16_t len;
uint8_t *buf;
int err;
bool notif_disabled = false;

do {
len = ring_buf_get_claim(&ble_tx_ring_buf, &buf, nus_max_send_len);

err = bt_gatt_nus_send(current_conn, buf, len);
if (err == -EINVAL) {
notif_disabled = true;
len = 0;
} else if (err) {
len = 0;

+ if (len)
+ {
+ char msg[BLE_TX_BUF_SIZE];
+ memcpy(msg, buf, len);
+ msg[len] = '\0';
+ printk("%s", msg);
+ }

err = ring_buf_get_finish(&ble_tx_ring_buf, len);
if (err) {
LOG_ERR("ring_buf_get_finish: %d", err);
} while (len != 0 && !ring_buf_is_empty(&ble_tx_ring_buf));

if (notif_disabled) {
/* Peer has not enabled notifications: don't accumulate data */

The following line is not valid:

Both of the following lines have a valid checksum:
* the first line contains invalid data
* the second line is valid

Notice how a part of the packet is missing or replaced with data, from
another packet. 40% of the packets are discarded, because they:
* do not begin with $
* do not have * in position line_length - 3
* do not have a valid checksum

From the the remaining 60% of the packets which pass the above validation,
a few are discarded because they:
* have values out of range
* have missing or more than one . character in a float value
* have less or more characters per line of value than expected

In rare events, there are still packets that pass all validation, but
contain slightly invalid data, e.g. there could be a long spike on the map
when our application is drawing the path.

If BRIDGE_BUF_SIZE is reverted to its default value of 2048,
Once the BLE client disconnects and then reconnects, the connectivity bridge
starts working incorrectly and will send large blocks of 2048 bytes containg
multiple NMEA packets.

ble_handler.test.c is my attempt to add tracing code and investigate what
is wrong with the connectivity_bridge. It seems that the ble_handler is holding
all buffers, so the uart_handler has no space to store arriving data.
At some point the buffers are freed by BLE, but then UART sends another 2048 bytes
of data, which arrave at bt_send_work_handler(). It starts sending blocks of
nus_max_send_len=182 until the BLE driver chokes. At this point BLE transmission
stalls for a few seconds, and UART RX will drop some data. Next the process repeats.
I am sorry for not being able to provid more details, and this parragraph may not be
fully accurate, because the code is extremely hard to follow.

I need to make one very important note towards the Nordic SDK developers:
Please make things simple and reliable!
I cannot say if the above issue is due to the existing design patterns in Zephyr OS,
but I see that all design patters are extremely complex and hard to follow, even
for taks that are very simple to implement, such as read/write from UART or BLE,
I see that you write 400 lines of code for each!
Hence it comes to no surprise that such a complex code has bugs which are hard to
diagnose or resolve. For example, as part of my testing I needed to change the
gps sample for nRF9160dk, so that in addition to its normal output, it sends a copy
with only the NMEA strings to its second UART, which I routed to the nRF52840 chip to
forward over BLE. My expectation was that I can simply write the data to UART.
But instead of a one line solution, I was forced to dedicate 330 lines of code:
with a lot of handling routines and thigs that should normally be handled by
the driver, and any decent operating system provides a simple to use interface.

Using Nordic SDK master

commit ecf5d334f1577cc7fca11ae7b5a7fb86f0ea757a

commit 7d20f2ebf25991b2897b91275939f8d16d38513a


  • What tag/commit are you working on? There has been some work on the connectivity_bridge application recently that should improve its stability, could you check out the master branch or NCS v1.4.0 rc1 and see if your problems goes away? These are the commits that is of interest to you:

    If this doesn't solve your problems, please tell me and I'll investigate it more deeply, try to reproduce it and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Simon!

    I updated to nrf e0d62535662ed6e04730b53f5c7b92fa58cedabf, and zephyr 105a1b9e2bc48acdd1f1173ad2ef43a90c120fbe. The connectivity bridge seems to work better, and at first I thought the issue had been resolved, but after leaving my Thingy:91 to recharge during the night, in the morning I discovered that all symptoms have reappeared. I am currently using the default configuration with buffers of 2048 bytes. My iPhone application receives large packets probably of size 2048 with a long delay between each packet. Around 3% of the packets are invalid, which is way less than 40%, but that's probably because the buffer size is 2048 bytes instead of 182 bytes.

    I am sorry for the late replay. Every time I have to update the SDK, I have to adapt my environment on two computers: Visual Studio projects, macros, paths… It's a lot of work. Then I have to port my projects and test all of them to make sure they work correctly. So as you can see, it's a very time consuming process. And due to the many bugs in the SDK, I spend more time in updates then I do in development and productivity work.

    Speaking of bugs, there is another bug in the GPS. After using the nRF9160DK for a few days the GPS demo stops updating and keeps sending the same values and timestamp over and over again:


    During this time I had been working only with the nRF52840 chip. At some point I noticed that I'm receiving the same NMEA data over and over again. After powering off the board or resetting the nRF9160 chip, the data starts updating again for a few days, and then I start getting the same data repeatedly. This looks rather like a firmware issue.

    I'm not sure if I should blame Zephyr or Nordic, but the Nordic SDK is a very unreliable platform. I'm very unproductive building on top of it. This is in huge part because of me, since I am new to this platform, yet also because in order to learn a new platform one has to experiment with working examples and see how things are accomplished. Sadly although there are a lot of good things in the SDK that should make tasks simple, your team has a long road to go, in order to make it a reliable platform. I hope to see the quality improved soon!

    Since reliable grounds are a necessity in order to advance with my work, I ported our own RTOS − Euros on the nRF52840 CPU. So far this has been a very easy process. Let me know if your team is interested in a robust UART driver that can be used bare metal or integrated with any OS. DMA, interrupts, sync and async modes are fully supported. Unlike what is offered by Zephyr, the interface is very simple to use. When send and recv API is used by a task, if a wait is required, the task is put to sleep freeing CPU cycles for other tasks. The API can also run on bare metal, with interrupts disabled or within fault handlers. It just works and is very simple to use. There is only one restriction: it is not currently free software, but we can license it.

  • I was able to run your application on the Thingy:91, connect it to the  nRF Connect for mobile app and see the GPS data notified. However, I had some problems running your iPhone application. I was able to download it but encountered some errors when I tried to open it. I'm new to the iPhone world, so I may have done something stupid. I'll continue tomorrow.

  • Hello Simon!

    The nRF Connect for mobile app is not a very useful tool. It would have been nice if it ccoult at least show any received data as a text log. Unfortunately it only shows hex values. You might still use it and look for the delay between updates, which should be around 0.5 seconds for the GPS demo. You are not doing anything stupid, iPhones prevent running apps which are downloaded from the Internet, until you go to Settings, General, Profiles & Device Management, and hopefully there you should see my developer certificate. Once you enable trust, the app should run. I assume you were able to install it and see a white icon with circles and X.

    Unfortunately I just updated to iOS 14.2 and I no longer see Device Management, however the application just works as soon as I confirm that I want to install it from the web page. I am also new to the process of sharing development versions of apps. There are different ways to export the app, and I cannot tell which one should be used. I did test the process to make sure it works before sharing the app with you. Another way of installing apps is by downloading the .ipa file on a Mac computer, then right-click, Share, AirDrop. Select your Phone and it should get installed. If you still have difficulties, we can try to work this together. The whole security design makes it hard to deploy the first time.

  • I put off some time and looked into the connectivity_bridge application and how the UART-BLE flow worked. I'll give an illustration of my understanding:

    The connectivity application is basically a stream, and in your case the input to the stream is the UART data from the nRF160 and the output of the stream is the BLE notificaitons sent from the nRF52840. If the input is larger than the output, the internal buffers will eventually fill up and you will loose data. In your case the stream stop outputting when you're not in a BLE connection or when notifications are disabled.

    The solution to this is either to increase the internal buffers or decrease the input.

    The only internal buffers I can see in the stream is the DMA buffers and the Ring buffer. However, I think the best approach to this is to stop sending data when the nRF52840 is not able to send. It is not able to send when it's not in a BLE connection or when notifications are disabled. Maybe you could implement a solution where the nRF52840 signals to the nRF9160 when it's ready and able to send data, either through UART or maybe a GPIO signal. Then you could set a boolean to true/false in the nRF9160 GPS sample. 

    You could also add some buffers in the nRF9160 GPS samples, that stores the data when the nRF52840 is not ready to receive data.

    The stuff I'm saying here may be obvious to you, but I'm just thinking out loud. The optimal solutions would probably be that this was handled by the firmware automatically without the user needing to anything. I will talk to some of the developers and get back to you.

    Best regards,


  • While I could spend endless efforts trying to understand and fix the connectivity bridge, after several days I came to the conclusion it's too complicated and its best for your team to realise that the broken connectivity bridge affects all Nordic clients. We expect a simple solution: while a BLE device is connected, the data should flow without dropouts. While disconnected, I'd drop old data and keep only the latest messages.

    nRF52840 is very limited on memory. And any attempts to increase the buffer size usually end up in a crash. Even if it was possible, that would only hold a few seconds of data that should be dropped anyway when no BLE devices are connected. A task like this can be implemented with 10 times less memory. We should not make changes on nRF9160. The bridge is an independent device. I have spent enough time analysing the code to realise that all those events, ring buffers and notifications are too hard to follow. If a simple task in Zephyr requires all of that complexity to implement, then I don't think I want to take any part in the software development.

    It would be way easier to revese-engineer the BLE drivers and implement a simple peripheral device accessing the radio directly. Then I can bridge that to the UART driver which I already implemented. Can you please point me to any resources regarding the BLE protocol?

  • Georgi Valkov said:
    While I could spend endless efforts trying to understand and fix the connectivity bridge, after several days I came to the conclusion it's too complicated and its best for your team to realise that the broken connectivity bridge affects all Nordic clients. We expect a simple solution: while a BLE device is connected, the data should flow without dropouts. While disconnected, I'd drop old data and keep only the latest messages.

    I understand. The current implementation of the Connectivity bridge will not put any data into the Ring buffer when disconnected, due to this line). If the buffer is full, it will not overwrite old data (due to how the Ring Buffer works), instead just return this warning. I guess some work has to be done in order to get it to work according to your needs. 

    Georgi Valkov said:
    We should not make changes on nRF9160. The bridge is an independent device.

    I agree with you on this point, this is not a good approach. I was too fast to upload the last answer. Instead the connectivity bridge should get modified to make new data overwrite the old.

    Georgi Valkov said:
    It would be way easier to revese-engineer the BLE drivers and implement a simple peripheral device accessing the radio directly. Then I can bridge that to the UART driver which I already implemented. Can you please point me to any resources regarding the BLE protocol?

    The BLE peripheral UART sample may be a good starting point. It does basically the same as the connectivity bridge, forwards incoming serial data over BLE. However, It is a bit simpler, without all the overhead. This sample may be easier to modify according to your own needs.

    In hindsight, I see that I probably should have pointed you to this sample at an earlier point

    Best regards,


  • Georgi Valkov said:
    While I could spend endless efforts trying to understand and fix the connectivity bridge, after several days I came to the conclusion it's too complicated and its best for your team to realise that the broken connectivity bridge affects all Nordic clients. We expect a simple solution: while a BLE device is connected, the data should flow without dropouts. While disconnected, I'd drop old data and keep only the latest messages.

    I understand. The current implementation of the Connectivity bridge will not put any data into the Ring buffer when disconnected, due to this line). If the buffer is full, it will not overwrite old data (due to how the Ring Buffer works), instead just return this warning. I guess some work has to be done in order to get it to work according to your needs. 

    Georgi Valkov said:
    We should not make changes on nRF9160. The bridge is an independent device.

    I agree with you on this point, this is not a good approach. I was too fast to upload the last answer. Instead the connectivity bridge should get modified to make new data overwrite the old.

    Georgi Valkov said:
    It would be way easier to revese-engineer the BLE drivers and implement a simple peripheral device accessing the radio directly. Then I can bridge that to the UART driver which I already implemented. Can you please point me to any resources regarding the BLE protocol?

    The BLE peripheral UART sample may be a good starting point. It does basically the same as the connectivity bridge, forwards incoming serial data over BLE. However, It is a bit simpler, without all the overhead. This sample may be easier to modify according to your own needs.

    In hindsight, I see that I probably should have pointed you to this sample at an earlier point

    Best regards,

