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pc-ble-driver-py missing high-rate notifications


whilst implementing my embedded device software, I'm developing a tool running on a Windows laptop to validate my work.

The idea is to use pc-ble-driver-py python bindings to implement simple interactions with the device over BLE using the services exposed.

The current setup is:

  • pc-ble-driver-py 0.15.0 (latest)
  • nRF52840 Dongle (PCA10059) running connectivity FW 4.1.2 SD API v5 (latest supported)

Most of the functionalities seem to be working fine.

But when I try to collect notifications from a certain rate on, looks like the system is not able to "catch-up".

To give some context - from the embedded device, I'm polling data and queuing notifications on certain char every 10ms. The connection interval is set 15ms.

The moment I enable the notifications on this char from Client side(after the wanted connection intervals are updated), I start receiving as a return value from sd_ble_gatts_hvx the error code NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES on the server side - it's not always the case, but very often, at least 10/20 times per second.

The only explanation I can give to this is that the Central (i.e. the python script) is not meeting all the connection events at fixed interval (15ms), and this way the notification queue on the Server is increasing till its limit.

I tested this scenario with different platforms (Windows UWP, Android) and this is the only case I'm seeing this behaviour.

What I find rather odd is that using exactly the same dongle (with same FW), but from the nRF Connect Desktop App GUI this is NOT happening - I can subscribe to the notifications and getting them at the rate I expect.

Adding a couple of graph to make things clearer:

Notifications Intervals (ms) from nRF Connect Desktop:

Notifications Intervals (ms) from pc-ble-driver-py:

It's clear that in the first case, two notifications are sometimes very close as the queuing rate is higher than the connection interval (i.e you get more than one notification for conn interval).

Instead in the second case, interval is never below 15ms, meaning that for sure notifications are lost (I imagine due to missed connection events...).

I tried to do the same but changing the dongle with a nRF52-DK. The result is that in this case the system crashes and disconnects after a couple of seconds from the enabling of notifications with this log:

2020-10-20 15:17:21,194 [21092/LogThread] h5_decode error, code: 0x802c, H5 error count: 1. raw packet: c0 f0 0e 02 00 02 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1c 00 01 12 00 f7 03 71 03 d0 02 de 02 fe 02 0e c0 

As a quick workaround, If I try to queue notifications every 20ms (or anything above the connection interval), I don't see any problem and the system works flawlessly.

Can you help me understanding what's going on?

I'm evaluating this python libraries for the system testing framework of our devices - and of course we'll need to evaluate also the high-rate notifications.

I think reproducing the issue would be quite trivial, but maybe there is something I'm missing that can solve this straightaway.


  • Hello again Davege,

    Know that I have not forgotten this issue, and I am still working on it.
    Unfortunately, this issue has taken longer than I had anticipated to resolve.

    I will update you as soon as I have something.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    thanks a lot for your effort in this.

    Do not worry at all, as long as I know there's some activity to understand what's happening, I'm good.

    Looking forward to hearing any news.



  • Hello davege,

    Thank you for your continued patience. I was unfortunately out of office for some days again.

    I have continued testing today, and can now at least rule out that the issue is with the UART transport layer.
    I have also spoken with one of the developers of pc-ble-driver-py today, and he will check if this could be caused by a limited RX buffer in the precompiled connectivity firmware.
    I will update you as soon as he gets back to me about this.

    davege said:
    thanks a lot for your effort in this.

    It is no problem at all davege, I am happy to help!

    Best regards,

  • Hi ,

    thanks again for your update.

    In my opinion, it is very unlikely that the problem is on the connectivity firmware running on the DK/dongle.

    The reason is that exactly the same dongle running the same FW is not showing the issue when subscribing to notifications from the char via nRF Connect Desktop.

    My feeling is that there is something wrong during the configuration of the board... possibly some settings hardcoded in the serialisation layer transporting data from the DK to the script, when opening the link.

    Thanks again for keeping me posted, I'm really curious to understand what's happening :)



  • Hello again Davege,

    davege said:

    In my opinion, it is very unlikely that the problem is on the connectivity firmware running on the DK/dongle.

    The reason is that exactly the same dongle running the same FW is not showing the issue when subscribing to notifications from the char via nRF Connect Desktop.

    I fully agree with this reasoning.

    davege said:
    My feeling is that there is something wrong during the configuration of the board... possibly some settings hardcoded in the serialisation layer transporting data from the DK to the script, when opening the link.

    I too think that this might be an issue here. I have done some more testing, and it seems that the default ( used in the HRM collector example ) RX/TX window of the pc-ble-driver-py is 1310µs compared to the pc-ble-driver which defaults to 2120µs. However, both of these windows are big enough for multiple packets - so I do not immediately see this as a reason for the single-packet-events of the pc-ble-driver-py. However, I have noted it as the main difference in the connection configuration between the two drivers, in the notes I have made for the developers.

    I have created an internal ticket on this with the developers of the pc-ble-driver-py, and I hope to hear from them soon on this issue.
    Unfortunately, I am unable to estimate when they will have time to review the case exactly.
    Is this issue a blocker for your current development? If so, is there an option for you to use the pc-ble-driver instead, for the time being?
    Reviewing the forum for mentions of the pc-ble-driver-py's performance I have come across some posts claiming that it is significantly slower ( lower throughput ) than the pc-ble-driver. I guess this is somewhat to be expected, since the pc-ble-driver-py is an abstraction on top of the existing pc-ble-driver, but nevertheless it is something to consider.

    davege said:
    Thanks again for keeping me posted, I'm really curious to understand what's happening :)

    It is no problem at all - I too am curious to see what the root cause of this behavior should turn out to be! :)

    Best regards,
