Hi, i am using:
-nRF 52 DK
-nRF 52832
-Sensor of Maxim Integrated
-SDK 17.0.2
I have some problems in handling the I2C through the nrfx module.
This is my ReadByte function and the handler:
static const nrfx_twim_t twim_instance = NRFX_TWIM_INSTANCE(0); volatile bool twim_tx_done = false; volatile bool twim_rx_done = false; void twim_handler(nrfx_twim_evt_t const * p_event, void * p_context) { size_t primaryBufferSize = p_event->xfer_desc.primary_length; uint8_t *bytesTransferred = p_event->xfer_desc.p_primary_buf; size_t secondaryBufferSize = p_event->xfer_desc.secondary_length; uint8_t *bytesRead = p_event->xfer_desc.p_secondary_buf; switch (p_event->type) { case NRFX_TWIM_EVT_DONE: NRF_LOG_INFO("STATE OF BUFFERS IN EVENT HANDLER:"); NRF_LOG_INFO("\t Size of primary buffer: %d", primaryBufferSize); NRF_LOG_INFO("\t Size of secondary buffer: %d", secondaryBufferSize); if (p_event->xfer_desc.type == NRFX_TWIM_XFER_TX) { twim_tx_done = true; } if (p_event->xfer_desc.type == NRFX_TWIM_XFER_RX) { twim_rx_done = true; } break; case NRFX_TWIM_EVT_ADDRESS_NACK: NRF_LOG_INFO("Received NACK after sending address!"); break; case NRFX_TWIM_EVT_DATA_NACK: NRF_LOG_INFO("Received NACK after sending data."); break; default: break; } uint8_t readByte( uint8_t familyByte, uint8_t indexByte) { nrfx_err_t err_code; uint8_t StatusByte; uint8_t ReturnByte; uint8_t rx_buffer[2]; size_t rx_lenght =2; uint8_t tx_buffer[] = {familyByte, indexByte}; size_t tx_lenght = sizeof(familyByte) + sizeof(indexByte); nrfx_twim_xfer_desc_t tx_xfer = NRFX_TWIM_XFER_DESC_TX(address, tx_buffer, tx_lenght); err_code = nrfx_twim_xfer(&twim_instance, &tx_xfer, 0); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); while (!twim_tx_done) { __WFE(); } twim_tx_done = false; nrfx_twim_xfer_desc_t rx_xfer = NRFX_TWIM_XFER_DESC_RX(address, rx_buffer, rx_lenght); err_code = nrfx_twim_xfer(&twim_instance, &rx_xfer, 0); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); while (!twim_rx_done ) { __WFE(); } twim_rx_done = false; StatusByte = rx_buffer[0]; NRF_LOG_INFO("Status Byte: %lu \n",StatusByte); ReturnByte = rx_buffer[1]; return ReturnByte; } }
I am stack at the "nrfx_twim_xfer" function where i am getting this EVENT_ERROR checked in the TWIM0 viewer in debug mode, the ERRORSRC is 0x02 (ANACK).:
I was not able to retrieve information about this on the blog.
Have you an idea why this happen and i why i am not able to let my TWIM function work?