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A-GPS Data Consumption


What the average data consumption for using A-GPS on the nRF9160 to download the Almanac and Ephemeris data? I would like to know how much data is billed through my carrier for performing this operation.


Akash Patel

Parents Reply Children
  • Akash Patel said:
    Also, does that mean that nRF Cloud is not using SUPL? What is it using?

     No, it is not using SUPL. According to the software roadmap, it is using a "packed binary format", which is sent over the MQTT connection that has already been established.


    Akash Patel said:
    The nRF Cloud 4.5kB is for a cold start or warm start? What is it for the other?

     I asked the application team if they had any more information. This is the answer I got:

    It looks like the total TCP payload is about 3.5 kB for A-GPS request and response, but this may vary a bit
    For a cold start all assistance data is fetched, ie almanac, ephemeris, time, location estimate etc
    For a warm start, it's assumed that only ephemeris is needed, which is about 2k for all satellites
  • Another developer on the apps team did some cold start tests with an nRF9160 Feather which is running the A-GPS sample and using a SIM. Those tests showed 16.91kB data used:

    Note that these numbers include all the data sent between the device and the cloud, including the TLS handshakes which uses ~10kB data.

  • Hi Didrik,

    Looks like we are using this agps_write function to write the A-GPS data we have received to the modem before we switch to GPS mode. When we write the almanac/ephemeris data to the modem, is that get erased when we do a power cycle?

    From my understanding the almanac data should be valid for a several weeks and the ephemeris data should be valid for up to 2 hours. So essentially, If I write this A-GPS data, use GPS for 5 minutes, power cycle, turn on GPS again, will I have to rewrite the A-GPS data or the GPS will be able to perform a hot start?



  • Akash Patel said:
    If I write this A-GPS data, use GPS for 5 minutes, power cycle, turn on GPS again, will I have to rewrite the A-GPS data or the GPS will be able to perform a hot start?

     Yes, I believe that is the case.

    However, if you turn the modem off gracefully with AT+CFUN=0, it should store the data to non-volatile memory so that you would not have to fetch it all again after a power cycle.

    Although there is still information that has to be fetched each time, such as time, approximate location, etc.
