I use 9160DK to test PSM mode as follow steps with at_client example:
1、set ”AT+CFUN=0“ to power off mode;
2、set "AT+CPSMS=1,"","","10101010","00100001"" to enter PSM mode;
3、then set “AT+CFUN=1” to power on the mode;
The problem comes here,As nrf91_at_commands_v1.2.pdf 7.3 written:“Configured values are stored in the non-volatile memory when the device is poweredoff with +CFUN=0.”,after I do the three steps, If I reset the nrf9160DK,and set "AT+CPSMS?" to query the mode,it should return ""+CPSMS: 1,,,"10101010","00100001"",but now it returns +CPSMS: 0;
So,can anybody knows help me what's wrong here?
Thank U all;