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BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED when not connected. too early?

I am using S110 v8, But I am having this problem since the very first stage of developement, so earlier versions of S110 also.

The problem is that sometimes I am advertising (connectable) by my peripheral -> I try to connect by central -> I receive CONNECTED event on central but I don't receive any events at all at S110 (just like there was no connection attempt) -> I receive immediate disconnect on central.

I am not using any device manager, bonding etc. Just simple scanning and connecting. It works fine at 90% of attempts, but sometimes this situation just happens.

I don't think this is central (s120) problem, because I am having that problem with other Bluetooth Smart device + bluez linux driver also.

It looks like SoftDevice S110 sends some BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED to central too early or something like that.

Is any of you observing similar problems?

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