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can the 51822 radio_example send and receive datas at the same time?


  1. In the nrf51822 SDK examples, there is an example of radio_example which is used for send data and read data. I want to konw that if one module send data and then receive data at the same time.In my future design, I want to send data to the other module and receive data from the other module,which style can I use?please give me some explanations and advices, thank you! 2.In the radio_example, I also met a prolbem is that I want to send 2 bytes date,by using static uint8_t volatile packet[PACKET_PAYLOAD_MAXSIZE]={0x32,0x67}; However,I can't receive the corresponding data ,I don't konw why,can you tell me?
  • The radio can not receive and transmit simultaneously, but you can switch between modes at any time, in practice giving two-way data transfer as seen from the application.

    If you just need two devices to communicate with each other, you'll most likely be much better off by starting with the Gazell protocol than with the pure radio. This includes functionality to send ACKs automatically, as well as including payloads in such packets, making two-way data transfer very easy. Please have a look at the gzll examples in the SDK, and the documentation available here.

  • The radio can not receive and transmit simultaneously, but you can switch between modes at any time, in practice giving two-way data transfer as seen from the application.

    If you just need two devices to communicate with each other, you'll most likely be much better off by starting with the Gazell protocol than with the pure radio. This includes functionality to send ACKs automatically, as well as including payloads in such packets, making two-way data transfer very easy. Please have a look at the gzll examples in the SDK, and the documentation available here.

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