I'm seeing an average continuous current pull of ~40mA on battery supply (which we directly feed to the 9160). This goes on for seconds or even minutes. Is this normal?
Yes, as far as I know it should be around 35 mA when scanning. Have you considered using the %xbandlock command? It could speed up the connection time if you know what bands your network uses.
Thanks Hakon. That's all I needed to know. We'll updated the supply scheme to handle this. For future reference, that might be a nice typical spec to add to the datasheet. Coming from other low power radios, I had an incorrect expectation that there would be a longer duty cycle associated with the current pulses. Maybe it's already there and I missed it.
Thanks Hakon. That's all I needed to know. We'll updated the supply scheme to handle this. For future reference, that might be a nice typical spec to add to the datasheet. Coming from other low power radios, I had an incorrect expectation that there would be a longer duty cycle associated with the current pulses. Maybe it's already there and I missed it.