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SPI pins usage for nRF52840

Hi Nordic Team

We are using nRf52840 for our new product. We need your inputs on the design we are planning to connect slaves on SPI.

SPI_SDO mapped to P0.23

SPI_SDI mapped to P0.21

SPI_SCK mapped to P0.19

We have 4 Analog devices (AD5750ACPZ) and 1 NAND flash as the slaves for the SPI. The above 3 SPI pins are connected to the 4 slave devices.

We wish to use QSPI for the NAND flash access, are the above connections for the NAND Flash Ok to be used via QSPI?

I have never used QSPI, hence would like to know if its Ok to have only NAND Flash using QSPI over SPI Pins and rest of the SPI slaves working without QSPI on the same SPI pins?



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