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PDM Driver for Zephyr on nrf52840

I want to implement noise sensor based on PDM (pulse density modulation) , But I cant found any PDM driver or API based on  Zephyr , I used MP34DT05(st semi-conductor).

So give me some reference or sample for this , 

Parents Reply
  • Sir , I examine  96b_argonkey microphone example program after this I created new project for my board (nrf52840dk)  with same parameter and configuration , then I compile my code , but during this process i got error this error is about pdm driver after checking .dts file for both  96b_argonkey and mrf52840 , I marked  96b_argonkey has i2s driver in dts file but unfortunately nrf52840 has don't have nay i2c driver . So what can I do sir ... How will i  add i2s driver on dts file because this file made by compiler not by user .  
