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Example at ...\ncs\v1.4.0\zephyr\samples\drivers\display does not work with SSD1306 wired directly to nRF9160DK

When I program the nrf9160dk with the example, the code detects the SSD1306, but the display looks like:

The image is only using the middle half (16 rows) of the display that has 32 rows and 128 columns. 

And the left side of the image is a random set of pixels.

What can I do to get the example to give me text on the screen?

I am using the SSD1306 OLED at:

Do I have to modify any of the files to target the nRF9160 instead of the nRF52 family?

  • Yes, 'cfb' and a few other samples work with the whole array. I will post the complete code tomorrow. I have tested the display with 'cfb' and ncs v1.4.2, v1.5.0-rc1 and v1.5.0.

    I had success using i2c2. I will share a few details on this later.

  • Here is a working solution where the whole area is in use. The result is some characters shown on the display.

    The sample code is attached:


    nRF Connect SDK: v1.5.0.

    DK: nRF9160 DK v1.0.0 (I have also had success with DK v0.9.0).

    OLED: Noname 4-pin 128x32 with SSD1306 display driver.

    The display is connected to the DK like this:

    SDA - P0.30

    SCL - P0.31

    VCC - 5V-pin on the side of the DK

    GND - GND on DK

    This is shown In the image at the top(yellow and red are connected, green and black are connected).

    Below follows step-by-step instructions showing how the above project is modified from the original 'cfb' sample. I have added a few extra details for completeness:

    1. Take a fresh copy of the Character Frame Buffer sample, cfb(v1.5.0\zephyr\samples\display\cfb).

    2. Open the prj.conf file in the cfb folder with your text editor and add the following lines:


    If you prefer white characters on black background, not the opposite, add this line as well:


    The complete prj.conf file will then look like this:

    #Add these for the SSD1306 OLED:
    #Reverse colors:

    3. Next, in the project folder, 'cfb', create a file called 'nrf9160dk_nrf9160ns.overlay'

    4. Open the file and add the following:

    &i2c2 { 
        compatible = "nordic,nrf-twim";
        status = "okay";
        sda-pin = <30>;
        scl-pin = <31>;
        clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>;
        zephyr,concat-buf-size = <1024>;
            ssd1306@3c {
            compatible = "solomon,ssd1306fb";
            reg = <0x3c>;
            label = "SSD1306";
            width = <128>;
            height = <32>;
            segment-offset = <0>;
            page-offset = <0>;
            display-offset = <0>; 
            multiplex-ratio = <31>;
            prechargep = <0x22>; 

    I have not used any shields in this project.

    5. Then open nRF Connect v3.6.1 -> Toolchain Manager -> 'Open IDE' next to nRF Connect SDK v1.5.0. and SES opens.

    6. In SES, clikc File -> Open nRF Connect SDK Project...

    7. Select your project folder. Under Board Name, select 'nrf9160dk_nrf9160ns',  check 'Clean Build Directory'.

    8. Build -> Build and Run.

    The display should now output the characters '012345'. The image is flashing rapidly, I am working on how to solve this.

    Please let me know how things works or fails.

    Best regards,


  • Appreciate the work that went into this solution, kudos!

    I have the modified example up and running however still dealing with the flashing image.

    Did you find a solution for this?




  • A solution to the "flashing" or "flickering problem was found here:


    uint8_t display_height = 32; (for the 128x32 display)

    and change the last while loop where the characters are printed to this:

    while (1) {
            cfb_framebuffer_clear(dev, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < (display_height / font_height); i++) {
                if (cfb_print(dev,
                              0, i * font_height)) {
                    printf("Failed to print a string\n");
            #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX)

  • Hi Tor,

    Thank you for sharing. I will include this when posting a short guide on how to get up and running with these oled displays.

    As mentioned in the link, the display sample 'lvgl' is worth having a look at. When setting up that sample it is required(or highly recommended) to use the SSD1306 shield:

    Add set(SHIELD ssd1306_128x32)after cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.1) in your CMakeLists.txt file of the lvgl sample. You might also need some configs.

    Please create a new ticket if you need any more instructions.

    Best regards,

