I'm using nrf52833, flashed by using Jlink SWD programmer. I have no probleme to re-programmed 2/3 of my board.
But the hird gave an error. The strange things is that it is still running. I have the feeling that the programmed is started , and impossible to come back in programmation mode.
I have tried a fourth board, and same issue.
I thought to a power supply issue, so i decided to use the simplest hardware possible , +vcc, gnd, reset, swdio swclk.
When i try to flash, SES show this error message, that point me to the supply issue after some research on the forum. But now i'm supplying direct with a nice power supply direct on the vss of my board so no probleme with that.
So i tried to check with commander Jlink and it point me to a reset pin issue. On board 3 , it is not to show me there is a software inside, altouhgt the software run properly, advertise etc...
Device "NRF52833_XXAA" selected.
J-Link>connect Device "NRF52833_XXAA" selected. Connecting to target via SWD InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. Cannot connect to target.
On board four i have this message showing it can read a software version, but still can't reprogramme the chip...
Connecting to target via SWD InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 Failed to power up DAP RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 Failed to power up DAP InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 SWD speed too high. Reduced from 4000 kHz to 1518 kHz for stability Failed to power up DAP RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. InitTarget() start InitTarget() end RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware. Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 Failed to power up DAP Cannot connect to target.
I have destroyed my production board by thiking it ws linked to some power supply multiplexor that were may be broken...
I also see reset pin that can be a gpio. I don't use this pin and it seems to not be used in my software too. The fact to not have issue with the two first board is also strange, and the fact board 3 and 4 doesn't eact in the same way is a bit strange, as board 3 boot and works fine.
My software use dfu .
I try also with nrfconnect and i get this message :
I'm a bit loast and have the feeling that it is not robust enough to go in production with that, may be something i don't manage is missing..