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nRF52840 uart current consumption in datasheet

Hi, Team

I read below uart current consumption data from nRF52832 Product Specification v1.4. But I can't find similar data in 

nRF52840 Product Specification v1.1. I want to know if I wan to keep the full uart rx function, how much current it will consume? Thank you.



  • Hi Victor,

    As far as I know, the run current of the UART(E) peripheral itself is similar for all nRF52 series ICs. Note that currents consumed by other system components (HFCLK, EasyDMA) may come in addition to the run current of the peripheral itself if. 

    If you want low power, you need to close the UART before entering sleep mode. If you have control over both ends of the UART lines, you can configure the UART RX pin using GPIOTE to wake the chip and re-enable UART. This will require the UART transmitter to send a "dummy package" a short time in advance in order for the nRF device to be able to wakeup and enable its UART before the actual data is received.

    Best regards,
