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PPK2 wires connection with a custom board


I just got a ppk2 and I am not sure which wire needs to be connected to where.

I am going to use this to measure current consumption but I've used only extarnal DUT + and  - connection between the old PPK and my custom board so I am confused with the new one.

Is it right to connect vout -> +,  vin -> - , GND -> GND? or just need vout and GND connected only?

Could someone clarify for me?


  • Try this for Ampere Meter mode supplying power from the DUT battery (disconnect battery from DUT first):

    //                                      External Battery To VIN ->
    //    +------------------------------------------------------------+
    //    |                                                            |
    //    |                                                            |
    //    |                                <- Supply to DUT From VOUT  |
    //    |                       +----------------------------------+ |
    //    |                       |                                  | |
    //    |                       |                                  | | +--------+
    //    |                       |                                  | | |        |
    //    |             +---------O---------+         +------------O-O-O-O-----+  |
    //    |             |        Vdd        |         |              | | +GND  |  |
    //    |             |                   |         |              | +--VIN  |  |
    //    | Battery     |                   |         |              +----VOUT |  |
    //    | + 3 volts   | Device Under Test |         |     PPK-II             |  |
    //  +-O-+           |       DUT         |         |                        |  |
    //  |   |           |                   |         |                        |  |
    //  |   |           |                   |         |                        |  |
    //  |   |           |                   |         |                        |  |
    //  |   |           |                   |         |                        |  |
    //  |   |           |                   |         |                        |  |
    //  +-O-+           |        Gnd        |         |                        |  |
    //    | Gnd         +---------O---------+         +------------------------+  |
    //    |                       |                                               |
    //    |                       |                                               |
    //  =====                   =====                                           ====
    //   ===                     ===                                             ===
    //    =                       =                                               =

    If using Source Mode then just leave out the battery

  • Thank you for the answer.

    Then if I don't want to connect the battery, I don't need to connet it to Vin and only use Vout and GND, right?

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