I'm sure the mistake is mine but I would appreciate some suggestions on where to look for my mistake.
I have a custom board with a Fanstel BM832A module. I also have an NRF52 dev kit for comparison.
I can run basic non-bluetooth peripheral code on the board so I know I have good SWD programming.
I am starting from the example at nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\pca10040e\s112\armgcc. I am using the same version of GCC as that version of the SDK's makefile specifies.
Building that example runs exactly as expected on the NRF52. I can change the name of the device and interact with it over bluetooth.
However, I am so far unable to successfully modify the makefile to run on my "real" NRF52810.
Here's what I have tried without luck:
- Defined a custom board. I could have button and LED pins wrong but I can't see anything on BLE so I don't think a mistake here would explain that.
- Removed "CFLAGS += -DDEVELOP_IN_NRF52832" (and the same ASMFLAGS)
- Removed "CFLAGS += -DNRF52_PAN_74" (and the same ASMFLAGS)
execute make, make flash, make flash_softdevice and I see nothing on BLE.
Any suggestions of what to try next?
Thank you,