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Can I run ble_app_hrs sample using internal rc clock only?

Hi, I'm trying to run your ble_app_hrs on your nrf51822 chip using internal rc clock: NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_4000MS_CALIBRATION, so I pass this to the BLE_STACK_HANDLER_INIT instead of NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM (because I don't have an external crystal).

But this init call is never returning, it seems to be stuck in in an infinite loop in your SoftDevice at address 0x00002C7C waiting for an event that is never coming.

0x00002C7C F00CFC40 BL.W 0x0000F500 0x00002C80 2800 CMP r0,#0x00 0x00002C82 D0FB BEQ 0x00002C7C

any ideas? Did I do something else in wiring up your chip? There is a "note" in your nRF51822 PS v1.3.pdf saying "External Crystal must be used for Radio operation". Is this my problem?

PS: is there any easier way to debug into soft device to figure out what is going on in there?

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