Has anyone tryed or know if freertos is working with nRF51822?
Has anyone tryed or know if freertos is working with nRF51822?
It would be nice if nordic release a RTOS that works with BLE.
There is RTX RTOS port in nRF51-SDK already. Look at examples\peripheral\blinky_rtx which demonstrates RTX with plain nRF51822 and examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs_rtx which provides HRS example for S110 running on top of RTX. RTX port supports tickless mode which reduces power consumption.
There is RTX RTOS port in nRF51-SDK already. Look at examples\peripheral\blinky_rtx which demonstrates RTX with plain nRF51822 and examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs_rtx which provides HRS example for S110 running on top of RTX. RTX port supports tickless mode which reduces power consumption.