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How to solve error code 0x3401?

Hi I'm using nrf52 with softdevice s132,

The problem is when I connect nrf52 with my smartphone, the error code 0x3401 occurss after connecting  exactly 147~150 second.

How can I solve this problem?


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi, 

    Disconnect reason 22 (0x16) means BLE_HCI_LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION. You can get also get BLE_HCI_LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION as the disconnect reason if a procedure timed out. For instance connection parameter update initiated by the slave, or other L2CAP procedure timeout or ATT related. It is difficult to say without knowing more. Some questions: 

    • Can you also add the debug log here by adding DEBUG to your preprocessor definitions and provide the debug log from the device?
    • Is it possible for you to share a sniffer trace showing this issue? 
    • Which SoftDevice version are you using?
    • What is the OS of your smartphone? Are you able to provide the log from nRF Connect?

    -Amanda H.
