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The Bluetooth keyboard sample does not work in an IOS 14.3 environment.

The Bluetooth keyboard sample does not work in an ipad(IOS 14.3)

The development board I used was nrf52840dk_nrf52840 (PCA10056).

I built nRF Connect SDK v1.4.2 through SEGGER Embedded Studio in desktop.

The sources are as follows:
Pairing works well in window10 (Desktop) android (galaxy20) environments, and "hello" messages are sent well when the switch button is pressed.
However, the pairing was successful in the ipad (IOS) environment, but the data failed to transmit.
And if the device is disconnected, pairing on other devices is not possible.

Why doesn't it work normally in IOS?

What else should I do?

I'd really appreciate it if you could answer.

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  • Hi Carl,

    Hope you are fine,

    I have a question related to this issue.

    As you said i have enabled CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_STORE_ON_WRITE=y

    so after power cycle the device automatically connects with iphone and the service also works fine

    after this

    I found that RAM flash memory

    gets increase at every disconnect and connect


    I connect the device with nrf connect app desktop -> programmer

    i read the device and found

    flash NVM size  25 bytes from F8000

                              24 bytes from F8FF7.

    after connected and paired with iphone 8 plus

    flash NVM size  158 bytes from F8000

                              72 bytes from F8FF7.

    again read the device

    flash NVM size  195 bytes from F8000

                              104 bytes from F8FF7.

    I need to work on DFU and also NVM flash storage to store 5KB data. My concern is because of this memory increase . where it get collapse or not

    to memories the CCCD where only enable is memorize and disable is not to be memorize is it possible


    when device is out of bound then it will disconnect at the time memory will increase and then in bound it auto connect and that also write .

    i want to control this only write the enable function

  • Hello!

    I'm doing well, thanks! Hope you are fine too. I must ask you to please open a new ticket for this. It's straying away from the initial question, so I think it's better to handle it elsewhere.

    Best regards,
    Carl Richard

  • Ok, I'm doing well too, I will create new ticket hope i see you soon there.
