"CTE can be used in both connectionless and connection-oriented scenarios. For connectionless use, the periodic advertising feature is required (since deterministic timing in the sampling process is important) and CTE is appended to AUX_SYNC_IND PDUs." From https://www.bluetooth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/1901_Feature_Overview_Brief_FINAL.pdf
"For advertising channel PDUs, the CTEInfo Flag replaces the CP bit. The CTEInfo Flag is within the extended header flag field in some of the advertising PDUs that employ the common extended advertising payload format (i.e. AUX_SYNC_IND, AUX_CHAIN_IND)." from https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/pdf/nRF52833_PS_v1.3.pdf
and from periodic advertisement details on https://www.bluetooth.com/blog/periodic-advertising-sync-transfer/
So from above information, Is it correct to say that for connection less CTE transmission can be done only with AUX_SYNC_IND PDU type advertisement. So it means CTE will be sent only on secondary advertisement channel as per BLE specs.
We were trying to to use CTE with AUX_EXT_IND PDU type advertisement form beacon by using NRF-Radio example for transmitter and receiver on primary channel 37,38,39 and able to get IQ data. So, it is not correct way as per BLE specs, right? But can we use it for direction finding evaluation ?
Am I on right track by using radio example for DF by using advertising on primary channel and scanning those channel from radio rx example with DFE configuration as required to get IQ data?
Hardik Harpal