I might be dense here, but please bear with me and clarify something. I am looking at the SPI bus as drawn on the nRF52840. According to the schematics (PCA10056 - nRF52840 MCU) ,the spi bus is assigned as follows:
So, SS, MOSI, MISO and SCK should correspond to P1.12, P1.13, P1.14, and P1.15, respectively. However, looking at the example code (specifically for spi_pca10056) the assignments show the following in the sdk_config.h file: #define SPI_SCK_PIN 26 (which corresponds to <26=> 26 (P0.26)), #define SPI_MISO_PIN 30 (which corresponds to <30=> 30 (P0.30)), #define SPI_MOSI_PIN 29 (which corresponds to <29=> 29 (P0.29)) and #define SPI_SS_PIN 31 (which corresponds to <31=> 31 (P0.31) ). I really don't understand how these pin assignments occur in the configurator(CMSIS Wizard). In this code example, SPI0_Enabled was selected. Does this automatically identify the set of pins to enabled? Where is this mapping done? And in this case the mapping looks incorrect? What am I missing?
Thanks for clearing up my confusion in advance.