Please give me a porting or integrate guide or manual of "LIBUARTE" with ble peripheral softdevice example. Please share a source code if any.
Please give me a porting or integrate guide or manual of "LIBUARTE" with ble peripheral softdevice example. Please share a source code if any.
I created a modified version of the ble_app_uart example that replaces the app_uart library with libUARTE: ble_app_libUARTE_sdk1702.zip
The ZIP includes diff files to see the required changes to the original project(s). The most important thing to remember when integrating the libUARTE library with a softdevice project, is to chose resources (TIMERs/RTCs) that are not used by the softdevice.
Best regards,
Great! Will try it right away. Thanks!
How to know which resources SD uses? I guess it should be in the SD manual?
Great! Will try it right away. Thanks!
How to know which resources SD uses? I guess it should be in the SD manual?
Yes, it can be found on this page.