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CMake warning: Using default MCUBoot key, it should not be used for production.

I'm following the steps at

I generated a private key using

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out priv.pem

Side note: I got this command from the bootloader sample readme.rst, it might be useful to include it in the docs at the link above.

To my prj.conf I added:


When I re-run CMake I get the warning in the title of the question. Should it not be using the private key I specified?

  • Hi,


    That config is specific to the "SECURE_BOOT" (immutable bootloader, also named "B0"). To set the mcuboot key, you should first edit your CMakeLists.txt and add this just below the cmake_minimum_required() line:

    if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mcuboot.conf")
        list(APPEND mcuboot_OVERLAY_CONFIG

    This will allow your application to append to the default mcuboot configuration.

    Then you create a mcuboot.conf file in your application folder, holding the absolute path of your .pem file:



    Now, when you delete your build folder and re-run cmake (or west, SES-NE), it shall use your private key.


    PS: Note that CONFIG_SB_SIGNING_FILE="" should be in your prj.conf, ie. specific to the project which also set the CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT.


    Kind regards,


  • I don't get it. Where should I add my keyfile? In CONFIG_SB_SIGNING_FILE="?" or in CONFIG_BOOT_SIGNATURE_KEY_FILE="path/to/key.pem"?

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