hi, im trying to add devices to whitelist.is there any easy way to do it??
thankyou, Sougandh A.K
hi, im trying to add devices to whitelist.is there any easy way to do it??
thankyou, Sougandh A.K
If it for peripheral you can use this (from ble_app_proximity)
whitelist.addr_count = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT;
whitelist.irk_count = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT;
whitelist.pp_addrs = p_whitelist_addr;
whitelist.pp_irks = p_whitelist_irk;
err_code = dm_whitelist_create(&m_app_handle, &whitelist);
if ((whitelist.addr_count != 0) || (whitelist.irk_count != 0))
adv_params.p_whitelist = &whitelist;
for central you can do this
whitelist.addr_count = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT;
whitelist.irk_count = 0;
whitelist.pp_addrs = p_whitelist_addr;
whitelist.pp_irks = p_whitelist_irk;
// Request creating of whitelist.
err_code = dm_whitelist_create(&m_dm_app_id,&whitelist);
m_scan_param.active = 0; // Active scanning set.
m_scan_param.selective = 1; // Selective scanning not set.
m_scan_param.interval = SCAN_INTERVAL;// Scan interval.
m_scan_param.window = SCAN_WINDOW; // Scan window.
m_scan_param.p_whitelist = &whitelist; // Provide whitelist.
m_scan_param.timeout = 0x001E; // 30 seconds timeout.
I assumed that the non-selecting scanning is done previously, sorry for not being clear on that.
I assumed that the non-selecting scanning is done previously, sorry for not being clear on that.