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Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Client - example


Maybe I am missing some idea, but I wonder why Nordic prepared CSC Service for Server but there is no implementation for Client. I know there is RCSC, but I belive to make it work with CSCS,  source files ble_rscs_c has to be edited.

With best regards

  • Hi

    Implementing a client and server library/example for every BLE service there is would be an almost insurmountable task, so there's just a matter of this specific client (library and example) being down-prioritized during development on our side.

    As Kristin says in the case you linked to, the CSCS and RSC profiles have a lot in common, so it should be possible to modify the existing RSC library and example to use the CSCS profile instead. 

    As described in the CSC peripheral example you can use a phonewith nRFConnect or the nRFConnect for Desktop application to test the service.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    Implementing a client and server library/example for every BLE service there is would be an almost insurmountable task, so there's just a matter of this specific client (library and example) being down-prioritized during development on our side.

    As Kristin says in the case you linked to, the CSCS and RSC profiles have a lot in common, so it should be possible to modify the existing RSC library and example to use the CSCS profile instead. 

    As described in the CSC peripheral example you can use a phonewith nRFConnect or the nRFConnect for Desktop application to test the service.

    Best regards,

