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Program Fanstel BC805M EK by using nRF52 DK

I would like to use nRF52 DK (nRF52832) to program Fanstel BC805M EK (nRF52805). I know that the hardware connection looks like this and we need to use the separate power supply for each board. 

1) Could anyone tell me how to upload the BLE code from nRF52 DK to BC805M EV via Segger, please? 

2) Because BC805M has fewer pins than nRF52 DK, how could I change the pin configuration in Segger, please? 


  • Hi

    1. The nRF52805 only has 10 PPI channels (0-9) so you need to make sure that you don't try accessing these channels at all in your application.

    2. The nRF52805 also only has 3 timers (TIMER0-TIMER2) so you need to make sure that you don't try to access this timer in your application.

    Some changes to these files might be necessary.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    1. The nRF52805 only has 10 PPI channels (0-9) so you need to make sure that you don't try accessing these channels at all in your application.

    2. The nRF52805 also only has 3 timers (TIMER0-TIMER2) so you need to make sure that you don't try to access this timer in your application.

    Some changes to these files might be necessary.

    Best regards,


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