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Android pairing pop-up appears twice

I would like to establish bonding between my device and an android phone.

My device is acting as both a central and peripheral.  It functions in peripheral role in relation to the phone.  The mobile app is developed only for Android for now.

Application firmware is developed against SDK 16.

I am using peer_manager.  I call pm_init and pm_sec_params_set with

memset( &sec_param, 0, sizeof( ble_gap_sec_params_t ) );

// Security parameters to be used for all security procedures. = 1;
sec_param.mitm = 0;
sec_param.lesc = 1;
sec_param.keypress = 0;
sec_param.io_caps = BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_NONE;
sec_param.oob = 0;
sec_param.min_key_size = 7;
sec_param.max_key_size = 16;
sec_param.kdist_own.enc = 1; = 1;
sec_param.kdist_peer.enc = 1; = 1;

In the ble event handler for BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED, I call

ble_gap_evt_t const *p_gap_evt = &pEvt->evt.gap_evt;

 pm_conn_secure( p_gap_evt->conn_handle, false );

( I have also tested using pm_handler_secure_on_connection with PM_HANDLER_SEC_DELAY_MS set to 75 and 500 mS )

I am NOTcalling pm_conn_sec_prams_reply at all.

I am calling pm_conn_sec_config_reply with allow_repairing = false

The problem I'm encountering is that the pairing pop-up is appearing twice to the user.  Is there a way to change the connection sequence so this pop-up only occurs 1 time?

  • Hi

    Sorry about the delayed reply, but we're currently working through the backlog after the Easter vacation. 

    I see that the link you provided is related to an RTOS, are you using an RTOS like FreeRTOS in your application as well?

    I would like to report this internally to the SoftDevice team so they can have a look at what's going on, but could you provide a sniffer trace file so we can get a look at what's going on over the air as well? As of now, I'm not sure how to avoid this second pop-up I'm afraid.

    Best regards,


  • Hi! 

    I am having the same issue using FreeRTOS and pairing/bonding.

    Two Popups are shown on Android.

    Does it give any new on this issue?

    Thanks, Andreas

  • I'm afraid we will need a sniffer trace to get a good look at what's going on over-the-air and what causes this second popup or a way to reproduce it on our end.

    It might be best to make a new ticket describing your issue in detail, as this case is getting rather old now and the original poster has been silent for some time. Feel free to link to this case in your new one if you find it relevant.

    Best regards,


  • I'm afraid we will need a sniffer trace to get a good look at what's going on over-the-air and what causes this second popup or a way to reproduce it on our end.

    It might be best to make a new ticket describing your issue in detail, as this case is getting rather old now and the original poster has been silent for some time. Feel free to link to this case in your new one if you find it relevant.

    Best regards,


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