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atomic fifo implementation on armv7a

Hi Nordic Team,

The atomic fifo implementation is based on armv7-M, right now I want to port it into cortex-A processor, I made some changes to get it compiled without errors

in cortex-A platform, but seems not work as expect, can you help check what's wrong with the below code, also do you have a C implementation, thanks.

origin code for armv7-M:

bool nrf_atfifo_wspace_req(nrf_atfifo_t * const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_postag_t * const p_old_tail)
    volatile bool ret;
    volatile uint32_t old_tail;
    uint32_t new_tail;
    uint32_t temp;

    __ASM volatile(
        /* For more comments see Keil version above */
        "1:                                                             \n"
        "   ldrex %[old_tail], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_tail]]              \n"
        "   uxth %[new_tail], %[old_tail]                               \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_item_size]]             \n"
        "   add   %[new_tail], %[temp]                                  \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_buf_size]]              \n"
        "   cmp   %[new_tail], %[temp]                                  \n"
        "   it    hs                                                    \n"
        "   subhs %[new_tail], %[new_tail], %[temp]                     \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_head_wr]]               \n"
        "   cmp   %[new_tail], %[temp]                                  \n"
        "   ittt  eq                                                    \n"
        "   clrexeq                                                     \n"
        "   moveq %[ret], %[false_val]                                  \n"
        "   beq.n 2f                                                    \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   pkhbt %[new_tail], %[new_tail], %[old_tail]                 \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   strex %[temp], %[new_tail], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_tail]]     \n"
        "   cmp   %[temp], #0                                           \n"
        "   bne.n 1b                                                    \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   mov %[ret], %[true_val]                                     \n"
        "2:                                                             \n"
        : /* Output operands */
            [ret]     "=r"(ret),
            [temp]    "=&r"(temp),
        : /* Input operands */
            [p_fifo]          "r"(p_fifo),
            [offset_tail]     "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, tail)),
            [offset_head_wr]  "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, head) + offsetof(nrf_atfifo_postag_pos_t, wr)),
            [offset_item_size]"J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, item_size)),
            [offset_buf_size] "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, buf_size)),
            [true_val]        "I"(true),
            [false_val]       "I"(false)
        : /* Clobbers */

    p_old_tail->tag = old_tail;
    return ret;

modify code for armv7-A:

bool nrf_atfifo_wspace_req(nrf_atfifo_t * const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_postag_t * const p_old_tail)
    nrf_atfifo_t *temp_p_fifo;
    volatile bool ret;
    volatile uint32_t old_tail;
    uint32_t new_tail;
    uint32_t temp;

    __ASM volatile(
        /* For more comments see Keil version above */
        "1:                                                             \n"
        "   add   %[temp_p_fifo], %[p_fifo], %[offset_tail]             \n"
        "   ldrex %[old_tail], [%[temp_p_fifo]]                         \n"
        "   uxth %[new_tail], %[old_tail]                               \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_item_size]]             \n"
        "   add   %[new_tail], %[new_tail], %[temp]                     \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_buf_size]]              \n"
        "   cmp   %[new_tail], %[temp]                                  \n"
        "   it    hs                                                    \n"
        "   subhs %[new_tail], %[new_tail], %[temp]                     \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   ldrh  %[temp], [%[p_fifo], %[offset_head_wr]]               \n"
        "   cmp   %[new_tail], %[temp]                                  \n"
        "   ittt  eq                                                    \n"
        "   clrex                                                       \n"
        "   moveq %[ret], %[false_val]                                  \n"
        "   beq 2f                                                      \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   pkhbt %[new_tail], %[new_tail], %[old_tail]                 \n"
        "                                                               \n" 
        "   strex %[temp], %[new_tail], [%[temp_p_fifo]]                \n"
        "   cmp   %[temp], #0                                           \n"
        "   bne 1b                                                      \n"
        "                                                               \n"
        "   mov %[ret], %[true_val]                                     \n"
        "2:                                                             \n"
        : /* Output operands */
            [ret]     "=r"(ret),
            [temp]    "=&r"(temp),
            [temp_p_fifo]       "=&r"(temp_p_fifo),
        : /* Input operands */
            [p_fifo]          "r"(p_fifo),
            [offset_tail]     "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, tail)),
            [offset_head_wr]  "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, head) + offsetof(nrf_atfifo_postag_pos_t, wr)),
            [offset_item_size]"J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, item_size)),
            [offset_buf_size] "J"(offsetof(nrf_atfifo_t, buf_size)),
            [true_val]        "I"(true),
            [false_val]       "I"(false)
        : /* Clobbers */

    p_old_tail->tag = old_tail;
    return ret;
