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I'm having "SOFTDEVICE: ASSERTION FAILED" when I set a breakpoint or pause the program to check some variables. That's really annoying, basically making the debugging feature of ARM processor unusable.

Is there any way to disable such assertion?


  • Hi,

    One of the challenges when debugging with the Softdevice, or any other protocol stack with hard timing requirements for that matter, is that it will fail to meet those timing requirements if the CPU gets halted for too long. This means you can't single step through application the code without raising this SD assert.

    check some variables

     You can put those variables in the "watch" list and have the debugger automatically poll the value every x seconds. Debug logging is also enabled by default in nearly all of our example projects.

    Is there any way to disable such assertion?

     It is possible if you use monitor mode debugging, please see this tutorial for more details:

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    One of the challenges when debugging with the Softdevice, or any other protocol stack with hard timing requirements for that matter, is that it will fail to meet those timing requirements if the CPU gets halted for too long. This means you can't single step through application the code without raising this SD assert.

    check some variables

     You can put those variables in the "watch" list and have the debugger automatically poll the value every x seconds. Debug logging is also enabled by default in nearly all of our example projects.

    Is there any way to disable such assertion?

     It is possible if you use monitor mode debugging, please see this tutorial for more details:

    Best regards,


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