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How can I use Central and Peripheral at the same time?



I am using S130 softdevice version. Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C. It is correctly work at normal state. When device should work as a Central and Peripheral at the sametimes, it makes a error as BLE_ERROR_GATTS_SYS_ATTR_MISSING

For Example.

  • Device A is Central and Device B is Peripheral. In this case, device B can send a data using ble_nus_string_send() and device A can receive using nus_c_data_handler() - my new service.

  • Device A is Central and Device B is connected to Device A ( peripheral role) and device B start searching and connect to Device C with role of Central. The connection is good and device B can receive a data using nus_c_data_handler() from Device C. But device B can not send a data to device A. In this case ble_nus_string_send() returns BLE_ERROR_GATTS_SYS_ATTR_MISSING. If I add sd_ble_gatts_sys_attr_set() and then ble_nus_string_send() returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE.

Could you give me any hints to fix this issue?

