I have the beginnings of a simple application that I am playing with using the Nrf52840DK with the Zigbee libraries in the Segger embedded studio environment on a Mac host. My application compiles correctly and runs without an issue although only after countless hours of trial and error due to the ridiculously complicated macro environment which totally obscures what is really happening and the complete lack of meaningful documentation for the libraries.
My problem now is that I want to include another C file and a couple of headers taken from Github. The files are from the capsense example. I know that capsense is not recommended for this chip but that is not an issue here as I am just trying to learn my way around the environment. To add the files to my project I copied the c file into the src folder and placed the two include files in the include folder within the project folder set. I included the c file in the project as an existing file and it duly shows up in the project tree. If I attempt to compile it I get messages to say the the include files cannot be found. If I copy the include statements tot he main.c file they are found just fine but any of the includes in main.c, when copied to the capsence.c file cannot be found.
It seems like the added c file is not getting the same environment for compilation as main.c is but I cannot find anything that would allow me to se this up. What am I doing wrong?