I load battery_demo_nrf8200.hex into nRF8200. I can then read battery data on Master Control Panel and watch data change when I change VTG. I then load health_thermometer_application_nrf8200.hex. I can see the service show up on Master Control Panel but I get READ_NOT_PERMITTED error on reading the value, then the link is lost. I then load blink_led_nrf8200.hex. I can see the service in Master Control Panel, but no LEDs are blinking. Is there documentation for these example apps and how to set these up and what errors should be expected? Where is the file services.h? I tried adding a service template to the local gatt services in the nRF8001 configuration. I then searched for a services.h and could find nothing. Is there documentation for what to expect and how to create a service?
Any help appreciated.