We want to make some BLE application for nRF52840 on Thingy:91. Referring to PCA20035 schematic, there are some spare pins which we assume is available for GPIO as backed up by nrf52840 pin functionality described in nRF52840 Product specification v1.2.
The pins are configured as:
#define UART_RX NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP(0,6) // Refer to PCA20035 schematics #define UART_TX NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP(0,5) void uart_config() { uint32_t err_code; uint8_t * tx_data = (uint8_t *)("\r\nUART CONFGED\r\n"); nrf_gpio_cfg_input(UART_RX, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(UART_TX); const app_uart_comm_params_t comm_params = { UART_RX, //RX UART_TX, //TX RTS_PIN_NUMBER, //RTS CTS_PIN_NUMBER, //CTS UART_HWFC, false, //Parity NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_115200 //Baudrate }; APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(&comm_params, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UART_TX_BUF_SIZE, uart_error_handle, APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOWEST, err_code); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 17; i++) { app_uart_put(tx_data[i]); nrf_delay_ms(10); } return; }
As we are not using Hardware flow control, we are not bothered about those pins. We cannot see anything on the terminal emulator (Teraterm). The application is based on Softdevice S140 v6.0.0 with nRF SDK 15.0.0. This is a snippet from sdk config.
#ifndef NRFX_UART_ENABLED #define NRFX_UART_ENABLED 1 #endif // <o> NRFX_UART0_ENABLED - Enable UART0 instance #ifndef NRFX_UART0_ENABLED #define NRFX_UART0_ENABLED 1 #endif // <o> NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC - Hardware Flow Control // <0=> Disabled // <1=> Enabled #ifndef NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC #define NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC 0 #endif // <o> NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY - Parity // <0=> Excluded // <14=> Included #ifndef NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY #define NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY 0 #endif // <o> NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE - Default Baudrate // <323584=> 1200 baud // <643072=> 2400 baud // <1290240=> 4800 baud // <2576384=> 9600 baud // <3866624=> 14400 baud // <5152768=> 19200 baud // <7729152=> 28800 baud // <8388608=> 31250 baud // <10309632=> 38400 baud // <15007744=> 56000 baud // <15462400=> 57600 baud // <20615168=> 76800 baud // <30924800=> 115200 baud // <61845504=> 230400 baud // <67108864=> 250000 baud // <123695104=> 460800 baud // <247386112=> 921600 baud // <268435456=> 1000000 baud #ifndef NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE #define NRFX_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE 30924800 #endif
Is there anything which is missing for UART configuration on nRF52840?