does nrf52840/32 supports direction finding?
No, nRF52840/32 does not support direction finding. See Introduction to the technology.
Also, the examples for beacon and locator are required to use with the nRF52833DK board, so we recommend that you start with the nRF52833 DK.
No, nRF52840/32 does not support direction finding. See Introduction to the technology.
Also, the examples for beacon and locator are required to use with the nRF52833DK board, so we recommend that you start with the nRF52833 DK.
kindly share some example of beacon with advertising extension with nrf 17 sdk not zyphr
Check out this post where my colleague provided an example based on the ble_app_beacon example in SDK 17.0.2.
-Amanda H.
what is length here?
Hi Ridhima,
It's the data length of the package in BLE LL.
Please be aware that Extended advertising is not yet supported by the nRF Sniffer. You may be able to see the initial packet ADV_EXT_IND but not the actually extended packets. This is because the sniffer only scans the three primary advertising channels (37, 38, and 39) while the extended advertising operations are done in secondary channels.
-Amanda H.