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Differentiate between different writes

I have a few characteristics under a service, and I'm trying to store the value if any of these characteristics is written to. However I run into an issue where if I enable services on the Master Control Panel, my code thinks that the value of the characteristic is being written.

How do I differentiate between a write to the actual data value of my characteristic and whatever the master control panel is doing when I enable services?

static void ble_evt_dispatch(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)

static void check_status(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt){	
    ble_gatts_evt_write_t *p_evt_write = &p_ble_evt -> evt.gatts_evt.params.write;
    switch (p_ble_evt -> header.evt_id)
        case BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE:
            if (p_evt_write -> context.srvc_uuid.uuid == DEVICE_STATUS_SERVICE_UUID){
                /* If mode characteristic was written to update the status value */
                if (p_evt_write -> context.char_uuid.uuid == DEVICE_STATUS_MODE_UUID){
                    m_status.mode = p_evt_write -> data[0];
                /* If datarate characteristic was written to update the status value */
                else if (p_evt_write -> context.char_uuid.uuid == DEVICE_STATUS_DATARATE_UUID){
                    m_status.datarate = p_evt_write -> data[0];
                advertising_init();     /* Update advertising data with new mode and datarate */

Once I enable services, both m_status.mode and m_status.datarate are set to 0x03. If I write to both of these characteristics after enabling services the correct values are written to them. But for example if I only modify one, the other one will have 0x03 stored in it still (even though the attribute is storing 0x0).

  • When you initialize your service, you pass in this structure, like in hrs;

     err_code = ble_hrs_init(&m_hrs, &hrs_init);

    That m_hrs struct is also passed from ble_evt_dispatch()

    static void ble_evt_dispatch(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
    ble_hrs_on_ble_evt(&m_hrs, p_ble_evt);

    Maybe you should post more of your code if this doesn't get you on your way :)

  • When you initialize your service, you pass in this structure, like in hrs;

     err_code = ble_hrs_init(&m_hrs, &hrs_init);

    That m_hrs struct is also passed from ble_evt_dispatch()

    static void ble_evt_dispatch(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
    ble_hrs_on_ble_evt(&m_hrs, p_ble_evt);

    Maybe you should post more of your code if this doesn't get you on your way :)

No Data