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Tool Chain -> Open Command Prompt error

I got following error when use the Command Prompt feature

After i run "ncsmgr init-ncs" from bash, it shows 

$ ncsmgr init-ncs
Checking out NCS v1.6.0 ...FATAL ERROR: already initialized in D:\Works_Codes\Nordic\v1.6.0, aborting.
In your environment, ZEPHYR_BASE is set to:

This forces west to search for a workspace there.
Try unsetting ZEPHYR_BASE and re-running this command.
HEAD is now at 7a076c22d VERSION: 1.6.0
Updating repos ...
=== updating zephyr (zephyr):
HEAD is now at a62ea8fa29 [nrf fromlist] net: openthread: remove unneded Kconfig dependency
=== updating openthread (modules/lib/openthread):
HEAD is now at f460532d4 Merge pull request #41 from kkasperczyk-no/ot_upmerge
=== updating mcuboot (bootloader/mcuboot):
HEAD is now at 02afea3 [nrf fromtree] cmake: fix for issue with path length on windows
=== updating nrfxlib (nrfxlib):
HEAD is now at ced7e8b doc: Update changelogs for NCS 1.6.0
=== updating trusted-firmware-m (modules/tee/tfm):
HEAD is now at cb1e6c2f [nrf fromlist] partitions: crypto: introduce option to disable RNG ...
=== updating tfm-mcuboot (modules/tee/tfm-mcuboot):
HEAD is now at 4aa516e Bump versions for v1.7.2
=== updating matter (modules/lib/matter):
HEAD is now at f2143619 [nrf toup] reduce command parameters length
Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlio/repo'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlassert/repo'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/pigweed/repo'
=== updating cjson (modules/lib/cjson):
HEAD is now at 50bdddd [nrf fromlist] Add more CS versions of cJSON_Add functions
=== updating cmock (test/cmock):
HEAD is now at 9d09289 Merge pull request #346 from ThrowTheSwitch/reapply_329
M vendor/unity
=== updating unity (test/cmock/vendor/unity):
HEAD is now at 74cde08 Merge pull request #540 from numaru/master
=== updating mbedtls-nrf (mbedtls):
HEAD is now at e483a77c8 Merge pull request #816 from ARMmbed/development
=== updating nanopb (modules/lib/nanopb):
HEAD is now at df0e92f Publishing nanopb-0.4.2
=== updating Alexa-Gadgets-Embedded-Sample-Code (modules/alexa-embedded):
HEAD is now at face92d Update firmware.options signature_size from 48 to 65
=== updating mbed-cloud-client (modules/lib/pelion-dm):
HEAD is now at 7e45d92 Merge pull request #84 from PelionIoT/release-4.9.1
=== updating cddl-gen (modules/lib/cddl-gen):
HEAD is now at 24f1b2b module: leverage external module definition
=== updating memfault-firmware-sdk (modules/lib/memfault-firmware-sdk):
--- memfault-firmware-sdk: fetching, need revision 0.21.1
* tag 0.21.1 -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 2ad18e1 Memfault Firmware SDK 0.21.1 (Build 241141)
=== updating cmsis (modules/hal/cmsis):
HEAD is now at c3bd209 DSP: fix compiler warning on inline attribute
=== updating canopennode (modules/lib/canopennode):
HEAD is now at 468d350 Merge pull request #2 from vestas-wind-systems/update_to_v1_3_master
=== updating civetweb (modules/lib/civetweb):
HEAD is now at e6903b80 civetweb: WebSockets support for Zephyr
=== updating fatfs (modules/fs/fatfs):
HEAD is now at 1d1fcc7 fat_fs: Expose _VOLUMES to Kconfig
=== updating hal_nordic (modules/hal/nordic):
HEAD is now at 74b3b21 drivers: nrf_802154: Update the IEEE 802.15.4 component
=== updating hal_st (modules/hal/st):
HEAD is now at b52fdbf sensor/stmemsc: Align stmemsc i/f to v1.03
=== updating libmetal (modules/hal/libmetal):
HEAD is now at 39d049d lib: update libmetal to release v2021.04.0 + VERSION path fix
=== updating lvgl (modules/lib/gui/lvgl):
HEAD is now at 31acbaa3 lv_font: Fix compiler warning when compressed fonts are disabled (#1880)
=== updating mbedtls (modules/crypto/mbedtls):
HEAD is now at 711fe7f Check if feature macro is defined before define it
=== updating mcumgr (modules/lib/mcumgr):
HEAD is now at 5c5055f snapshot: Update mcumgr to commit e64f5060bd from upstream
=== updating net-tools (tools/net-tools):
HEAD is now at f49bd13 net-capture: Listen captured traffic and save to pcap file
=== updating open-amp (modules/lib/open-amp):
HEAD is now at 6010f05 lib: update open-amp lib to release v2021.04.0
=== updating loramac-node (modules/lib/loramac-node):
HEAD is now at 2cee5f72 LoRaMac: query minimum tx datarate
=== updating segger (modules/debug/segger):
HEAD is now at 7cbc844 config: Add lock/unlock macro for no multithreading
=== updating tinycbor (modules/lib/tinycbor):
HEAD is now at 40daca9 zephyr: Remove TINYCBOR from interface libraries
=== updating tinycrypt (modules/crypto/tinycrypt):
HEAD is now at 3e9a49d cmake: Fix conditional in root CMakeLists.txt
=== updating littlefs (modules/fs/littlefs):
HEAD is now at 9e4498d lfs_util: fix log declaration when logging is disabled
=== updating mipi-sys-t (modules/debug/mipi-sys-t):
HEAD is now at 75e6715 zephyr: move platform.h to zephyr tree
=== updating nrf_hw_models (modules/bsim_hw_models/nrf_hw_models):
HEAD is now at a47e326 HW_models: NRF_RTC: Fix compare event missed when interrupt disabled
=== updating TraceRecorderSource (modules/debug/TraceRecorder):
HEAD is now at d988988 zephyr: do not check for rtt mutex
=== updating edtt (tools/edtt):
HEAD is now at 7dd56fc Add FIXME note to handle incorrect LL/CON/MAS/BV-27-C implementation
Zephyr (D:/Works_Codes/Nordic/v1.6.0/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake)
has been added to the user package registry in:

ZephyrUnittest (D:/Works_Codes/Nordic/v1.6.0/zephyr/share/zephyrunittest-package/cmake)
has been added to the user package registry in:
