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i am working on nrf52dk. i have already implemented dfu with button. i want to implement buttonless dfu. as there is a example provided in ble_peripheral with name  "ble_app_dfu_buttonless".

when i program  "ble_app_dfu_buttonless" example .nrf52dk starts advertising as "Nordic_buttonless". when i connect it with nrf connect app it does not show dfu icon.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Do you follow the nRF52832-buttonless-dfu-development-tutorial? You also need to program the SoftDevice and bootloader to run the ble_app_dfu_buttonless. See the following flow:

    mergehex -m s132_softdevice.hex secure_bootloader_ble_s132_pca10040_debug.hex -o merged_SD_bootloader.hex
    nrfjprog --program merged_SD_bootloader.hex --chiperase -r
    nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52 --application ble_app_dfu_buttonless.hex --application-version 1 --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 1 settings.hex
    mergehex -m ble_app_dfu_buttonless.hex settings.hex -o merged.hex
    nrfjprog --program merged.hex --sectorerase

    -Amanda H.
