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Failed to create advertiser set (-11) Advertising failed to create (err -11) Issues modiying UART example to work on coded phy

Hi everyone,

My task is make Uart peripheal advertisments on coded phy, for that i CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV=1 on autoconfig.h, and I add the function bt_ready of the project  peripheral_hr_coded, which  involve create_advertising_coded and bt_le_ext_adv_create.

I am working on a nrf5340dk, with nRF connect SDK v1.6.1, this is my output:

Due to EAGAIN: 


And that means:


Any ideas or any help to fix this error is welcome.

Any suggestions to make this UART project work better, the objectives of the project are: 

One central that scans only codedphy, more than 5 peripheals advertising on coded, when connect send 100 bytes of data.

Thank U


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